[1] [2] Not long after,1132 Anno. Reg. 33. Geffrey earle of Aniou had a son named Henrie by his wife the empresse, who (as be|fore is said) was after king of England: for his grandfather king Henrie hauing no issue male to succeed him, caused the empresse and this Henrie hir sonne to be established heires of the realme: all the Nobles and other estates taking an oth to be their true and loiall subiects. After this king Henrie kept his Christmasse at Dunstable,1133 Anno Reg. 34. and his Easter at Woodstocke. In the same yeare, Matth. Paris. Prior of L. Oswald as Wil. Thorne hath, and likewise Matth. Paris. Matt. Westm. or (as some haue) in the beginning of the yeare precedent, or (as other haue) in the yeare following, king Henrie erected a bishops sée at Carleil, in which one Arnulfe or rather Athelwoolfe, who before was abbat of S. Bothoulfs, and the kings confessor, was the first bishop that was instituted there. This man immediatlie after his consecration placed regular canons in that church.