[1] Polydor. About the same time, Maud daughter of this Hen|rie, being forsaken of hir husband Geffrey earle of Aniou, came to hir father then being in Normandie. What the cause was why hir husband put hir from him, is not certeinlie knowen: but the matter (be|like) was not verie great, sith shortlie after he recei|ued hir againe, and that of his owne accord. During the time also that king Henrie remained in Nor|mandie, pope Innocent the 2. came into France, to auoid the danger of his enimies: and holding a councell at Cleremont, he accursed one Peter Fitz Leo, who had vsurped as pope, and named himselfe Anacletus.1131 Anno Reg. 32. Afterward at breaking vp of the same counsell at Cleremont, he came to Orleance, and then to Charters,King Henrie and pope In|nocent méet at Charters. meeting king Henrie by the waie, who offered vnto the pope to mainteine his cause a|gainst his enimies to the vttermost of his power, for the which the pope gaue the king great thankes: and séeming as though he had beene more carefull for the defense of the common cause of the christian com|mon-wealth than for his owne, he exhorted king Henrie to make a iournie into the holie land, a|gainst the Saracens and enimies of the christian re|ligion.