[1] After this parlement ended, the king kept his Christmasse at Worcester, and his Eastermasse fol|lowing at Woodstocke, where a certeine Noble man named Geffrey Clinton was accused to him of high treason. In this 31. yeare of king Henries reigne, great death and murren of cattell began in this land so vniuersallie in all places, that no towne nor village escaped frée: and long it was before the same discontinued or ceased. Wil. Malm. In nouella hi|storia. Polydor. King Henrie passing ouer into Normandie, was troubled with certeine strange dreames or visions in his sléepe. For as he thought, he saw a multitude of plough|men with such tooles as belong to their trade and oc|cupation; after whom came a sort of souldiers with warlike weapons: and last of all, bishops approching towards him with their crosier s [...]aues readie to fall vpon him, as if they meant to kill him. Now when he awaked, he lept foorth of his bed, got his sword in his hand, & called his seruants to come & helpe him. Neuerthelesse, repressing those perturbations, and somewhat better aduising himselfe, par [...]lie by his [page 44] owne reason, and partlie by the counsell of learned gentlemen, was persuaded to put such fantasies a|waie, and was admonished withall, that whilest he had time and space here on earth, he should redeeme his passed offenses and sinnes committed against God, with repentance, almesdéeds, and abstinence. Wherefore being moued herewith, he began to pra|ctise an amendment of his former lewd life.