[1] When king Henrie had sped his businesse in Nor|mandie,1129 Anno Reg. 30. where he had remained a certeine space both about the conclusion and solemnizing of the mariage made betwixt his daughter Maud the empresse and the earle of Aniou, and also to see the end of the wars in Flanders, he now returned into England, where he called a great councell or parlement at London, in August:1130 Anno Reg. 31. wherein (amongst other things) it was decreed, that préests, which liued vnchastlie, should be punished, and that by the kings permission,

Matth. Paris. Polydor.

An act against vnchast préests.

who here|by tooke occasion to serue his owne turne: for he re|garded not the reformation which the bishops tru|sted (by his plaine dealing) would haue followed, but put those préests to their fines that were accused, and suffered them to kéepe their wiues still in house with them, which offended the bishops greatlie, who would haue had them sequestred asunder.