[1] ¶ It was thought that the great felicitie of king Henrie was the chiefe occasion of this earles death,William earl [...] of Flanders deceaseth of a wound. who meant (if he might haue brought his purpose to passe, and be once quietlie set in the dominion of Flanders) to haue attempted some great enterprise against king Henrie for the recouerie of Norman|die, and deliuerie of his father out of prison.The fortunat & good hap of K. Henrie. Which was knowen well inough to king Henrie, who mainteined those that made him warre at home, both with men and monie; namelie,William d [...] Hypres. William of Hy|pres, who tooke vpon him as regent in the name of Stephan earle of Bullongne, whome king Henrie procured to make claime to Flanders also, in the ti|tle of his grandmother queene Maud, wife to Wil|liam Conqueror. But to procéed with our historie.