[1] In the yeare ensuing, Anno Reg. 28 Matth. Paris. 1128 king Henrie meaning to cause the French king to withdrawe his helping hand from his nephue William earle of Flanders, passed foorth of Normandie with an armie, and inua|ding France, remained for the space of eight daies at Hipard, in as good quiet as if he had béene within his owne dominions, and finallie obteined that of the French king which he sought for; namelie, his re|fusall to aid his nephue the said earle of Flanders. Who at length contending with other that claimed the earledome, chanced this yeare to be wounded, Anno Reg. 29. Ia. Meir. as he pursued his enimies vnto the walles of a towne called Alhust, and soone after died of the hurt the 16. of August.