[1] Shortlie after this parlement was ended, K. Hen|rie held his Christmas at Windsor, where Thur|stan archbishop of Yorke (in preiudice of the right of William archbishop of Canturburie) would haue set the crowne vpon the kings head, Matth. Paris. at his going to the church: but he was put backe with no small re|proch;Strife be|twixt the pre|lates for pre|heminence. and his chapleine (whom he appointed to beare his crosse before him at his entrance into the kings chappell) was contemptuouslie and violentlie thrust out of the doores with crosse and all by the fréends of the archbishop of Canturburie. In short time, this vnseemlie contention betwixt Thurstan and Wil|liam the two archbishops grew so hot, that not one|lie both of them, but also the bishop of Lincolne went to Rome about the deciding of their strife.