[1] But to returne to king Henrie, who whilest he re|mained in Normandie (which was a long time after the apprehension of the two foresaid earles) vnder|stood that his sonne in lawe Henrie the emperour was departed this life at Utregt, the 23. of Maie last past.1126 Anno. Reg. 27. Wherevpon he sent for his daughter the [page 43] empresse to come ouer vnto him into Normandie, and hauing set his businesse in order on that side the sea, and taken hir with him, he returned into England before the feast of S. Michaell, where cal|ling a parlement, Polydor. An oth taken by the lords touching the succession of the crowne. he caused hir by authoritie of the same to be established as his lawfull heire and suc|cessor, with an article of intaile vpon hir issue, if it should please God to send hir any at all. At this par|lement was Dauid K. of Scotland, who succéeded A|lexander the fierce. Stephan earle of Morton and Bullongne, and son of Stephan earle of Blois, ne|phue to K. Henrie by his sister Adela; these two prin|ces chéefelie tooke their oth amongst other, to obey the foresaid empresse, as touching hir right and law|full claime to the crowne of England. But although Stephan was now the first that was to sweare,Stephan erle of Bullongne the first that offered to re|ceiue the oth. he became shortlie after the first that brake that oth for his owne preferment. ¶ Thus it commeth often to passe, that those which receiue the greatest benefits, doo oftentimes soonest forget to be thankefull.