[1] After this also,1125 Anno. Reg. 26. in the yeare 1125. a cardinall na|med Iohannes Cremensis was sent into England from pope Honorius the second,Iohannes Cremensis a legat sent into England to sée reformation in certeine points touching the church: but his cheefe errand was to correct preests that still kept their wiues with them. At his first comming ouer, he so|iourned in colledges of cathedrall churches, and in abbeies, addicting himselfe to lucre & wantonnesse, reaping where he had not sowen. At length, about the feast of the natiuitie of our ladie, he called a conuoca|tion of the cleargie at London, where making an o|ration, he inueihed sore against those of the spiritual|tie that were spotted with any note of incontinencie. Manie thought themselues touched with his words, who hauing smelled somewhat of his secret tricks, that whereas he was a most licentious liuer, and an vnchast person of bodie and mind, yet he was so blin|ded, that he could not perceiue the beame in his own eies, whilest he espied a mote in another mans. Here|vpon they grudged, that he should in such wise call o|ther men to accompts for their honest demeanor of life, which could not render any good reckoning of his owne: insomuch that they watched him so narrow|lie, that in the euening (after he had blown his horne so lowd against other men; in declaring that it was a shamefull vice to rise from the side of a strumpet, and presume to sacrifice the bodie of Christ) he was taken in bed with a strumpet, to his owne shame and reproch. But being reprooued thereof, he alledged this excuse (as some write) that he was no preest,But this shuld not séem to be any iust excuse, for M. P. saith that ye same day he consecrated the Lords bo|die, & there [...]ore he must néeds be a préest. but a reformer of preests. Howbeit to conclude, being thus defamed, he got him backe to Rome againe from whence he came, without any performance of that whereabout he was sent.