[1] But to returne to the historie. King Henrie be|ing thus depriued of issue to succeed him, did not a little lament that infortunate chance: but yet to restore that losse, shortlie after, euen the 10.1121 Anno Reg. 22. of Aprill next ensuing, Eadmerus. Hen. Hunt. The king ma|rieth againe. he maried his second wife named A|delicia, a ladie of excellent beautie, and noble conditi|ons, daughter to the duke of Louaine, and descen|ded of the noble dukes of Loraine, howbeit he could [page 42] neuer haue any issue by hir. Eadmerus. The archbishop Thur|stan (after the manner of obteining suites in the court of Rome) found such fauour at the hands of pope Calixt,The pope wri|teth to king Henrie, in fa|uour of the archbishop Thurstan, & accurseth him with the archbishop of Canturburie. that he directed his letters as well to king Henrie, as to Rafe archbishop of Canturbu|rie, by vertue whereof he accursed them both, and in|terdicted as well the prouince of Yorke as Cantur|burie from the vse of all maner of sacraments; from baptisme of infants, the penance of them that died onelie excepted: if archbishop Thurstan were not suffered (within one moneth next after the receipt of those letters) to inioy his see, without compelling him to make any promise of subiection at all. The king to be out of trouble, permitted Thurstan to returne into the realme, and so repaire vnto Yorke; but with condition, that he should not exercise any iurisdicti|on out of his owne diocesse as metropolitane, till he had confessed his obstinat errour, and acknowleged his obedience to the church of Canturburie.