[1] In this meane while Thurstan nothing slacking his sute in the popes court, obteined such fauour (wherein the king of England also was greatlie la|boured vnto) that he wrote letters thrice vnto the king of Scotland, and once vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, that neither the king should permit Eadmer to be consecrated, nor the archbishop of Canturburie in any wise consecrate him if he were therevnto required. Herevpon it came to passe, that finally Eadmer, after he had remained in Scot|land twelue moneths or thereabouts, and perceiued that things went not as he would haue wished (for that he could not get the kings consent that he shuld be consecrated of the archbishop of Canturburie, as it was first meant both by the archbishop and E|admer) he departed out of Scotland, and returned a|gaine to Canturburie, there to take further aduice in all things as cause should mooue him. In like ma|ner king Henrie,King Henrie returneth into England. hauing quieted his businesse in France, returned into England, where he was re|ceiued and welcomed home with great ioy and tri|umph; but such publike reioising lasted not long with him. For indéed, this pleasantnesse and m [...]rth was changed into mourning, by aduertisement giuen of the death of the kings sons, Ran. Higd. wil. Malm. Polydor. Matth. Paris. The kings sonnes and his daughter with other Nobles are drowned by shipwracke. William duke of Nor|mandie, and Richard his brother, who togither with their sister the ladie Marie countesse of Perch, Ri|chard earle of Chester, with his brother O [...]well go|uernour to duke William, and the said earle of Che|ster his wife the kings neece, the archdeacon of He|reford, Geffrey Riddle, Robert Manduit, William Bigot, and diuerse other, to the number of an hun|dreth and fourtie persons, besides fiftie mariners, tooke ship at Harflew, thinking to follow the king, and sailing foorth with a south wind, their ship tho|rough negligence of the mariners (who had drunke out their wits & reason) were throwne vpon a rocke, and vtterlie perished on the coast of England, vpon the 25. of Nouember, so that of all the companie none escaped but one butcher, who catching hold of the mast, was driuen with the same to the shore which was at hand, and so saued from that dangerous ship|wracke. Wil. Malm. Duke William might also haue escaped verie well, if pitie had not mooued him more than the regard of his owne preseruation. For being gotten into the shipboat, and lanching toward the land, he heard the skréeking of his sister in dredfull danger of drowning, and crieng out for succour; wherevpon he commanded them that rowed the boat to turne backe to the ship, and to take hir in. But such was the prease of the companie that stroue to leape in with hir, that it streightwaies sanke, Wil. Malm. Matth. Paris. so that all those which were alreadie in the boat were cast awaie.