[1] But now to returne againe to the two princes. Not long after the departure of the pope from G [...]i|sors, Simon Dun. Anno Reg. [...]1. Foulke earle of Anio [...] found meanes to make an agréement betwixt king Henrie & king Lewes, [page 41] so that William sonne to king Henrie did homage vnto king Lewes for the duchie of Normandie.The kings of England and France are accorded. Wil. Malm. And further it was accorded betwéene them, that all those that had borne a [...]mour either on the one side or the o|ther, should be pardoned, whose subiects soeuer they were. Eadmerus. In like maner, Rafe archbishop of Cantur|burie returned into England, after he had remai|ned long in Normandie, bicause of the controuersie betwixt him and Thurstan archbishop of Yorke, as is aforesaid.