
Whereas he saith he is pope, and will (as he said) assoile me of the vow which I haue made, if contra|rie thereto I will restore Thurstane to the sée of Yorke: I thinke it not to stand with the honor of a king, to consent in any wise vnto such an absolution. For who shall beléeue an others promise hereafter, if by mine example he sée the same so easilie by an abso|lution to be made void But sith he hath so great a desire to haue. Thurstane restored, I shall be conten|ted at his request, to receiue him to his sée, Simon Du [...] Eadmerus with this condition, that he shall acknowledge his church to be subiect vnto the sée of Canturburie, as his predeces|sours haue doone before him; although in [...] this offer would not seru [...] the turue.