[1] The earle of Flanders (as some write) was so wounded in this battell, that he died thereof. Matth. Paris. Ia. M [...]ir. But o|thers affirme, that cõming into Normandie in the yeare last past, to make warre against king Henrie in fauour of king Lewes, he wan the towne of An|delie, and an other which they name Aquae Nicasij. But as he was come before the towne of Augen in the moneth of September, and assailed the same, he receiued his deaths wound in the head,

The earle of Flanders wounded. He departed this life.

Foulke earle of Aniou be|came the king of Englands man.

wherevpon returning home in the ninth moneth after, when he could not be cured of his hurt, he departed this life at Rosilare the 17. daie of Iune.