[1] [2] In this meane time, the warres were busilie pur|sued betwixt the two kings of England & France, and a battell was fought betweene them,1119 Anno Reg. 20. with great slaughter on both sides for the space of nine houres.The two kings of Eng+land & France ioine battell. King Henrie hurt in the battell. The forewards on both parties were beaten downe and ouerthrowne; and king Henrie receiued sundrie stripes on his head at the hands of one Wil|liam Crispine countie de Eureux, so as (though his helmet were verie strong and sure) the bloud burst out of his mouth: wherewith he was nothing afraid, but like a fierce lion laid more lustilie about him, and stroke downe diuerse of his enimies, namelie the said Crispine, who was there taken prisoner at the kings feet.The earle of Eureux taken prisoner. Now were the kings people incouraged at the valiancie and prowesse of their king and chief|taine, so that at length they opened and ouercame the maine battell, and setting vpon the rereward, ouer|threw the whole armie of France, which neuer recoi|led, but fought it out euen to the vttermost. There died and were taken prisoners in this conflict manie thousands of men. The French king leauing the field, got him vnto a place called Andelie:Andelei. and the king of England, recouering a towne by the waie called Nicasium, which the French king had latelie woone, returned vnto Rouen,Nicasium. where he was with great triumph receiued, and highlie commended for his noble victorie thus atchiued.