[1] Thus by the chance and change of popes, the legat|ship of Anselme could take no place, although his bulles permitted him without limitation of time, not onelie to call and celebrate synods for reformation of disorders in the church, but also for the receiuing of Peter pence to be leuied in England (in the which point pope Paschall in his life time thought them in England verie slacke) as by the same bulles more largelie dooth appéere. The archbishop of Canturbu|rie had alreadie staied foure or fiue yeares in the par|ties beyond the sées, about the matter in controuer|sie betwixt him and Thurstane archbishop of Yorke, who was likewise gone ouer to solicit his cause. But where as at the first he could not find the king in a|nie wise agréeable to his mind, yet when the councell should be holden at Rhemes by pope Calixt, he sued at the leastwise for licence to go thither: but he could neither haue any grant so to doo, till he had promised (vpon his allegiance which he ought to the king) not to attempt anie thing there that might be preiudici|all to the church of Canturburie in anie maner of wise. Neuerthelesse, at his comming thither, he so wrought with bribes and large gifts, that the popes court (a thing easilie doone in Rome) fauoured his cause; yea, such was his successe, that the pope conse|crated him with his owne hands, although king Henrie had giuen notice to him of the controuersie depending betwixt Thurstane and Rafe the archbi|shop of Canturburie, requiring him in no wise ei|ther to consecrate Thurstane himselfe, or grant li|cence to anie other person to consecrate him: for if he did, surelie (for his part) he would banish him quite out of his dominion, which should not be long vn|doone. But now to the purpose.