[1] About this verie time, Anselme the nephue to arch|bishop Anselme came againe from Rome,1117 Anno. Reg. 13. with frée authoritie to execute the office of the popes legat in England:Ans [...]lme the popes Legat. The bishop of Canturburie goth to Rome. which seemed a thing right strange to the English [...]lergie. Wherefore the bishop of Canturbu|rie, to preuent other inconueniences likelie to insue, tooke vpon him to go vnto Rome, to vnderstand the popes pleasure concerning the truth and certeintie of this matter, and to require him in no wise to diminish the authoritie or to extenuat the preroga|tiue of his sée of Canturburie, which hitherto vsed to determine all causes rising in his prouince.