[1] Now king Henrie hauing intelligence of his whole purpose, endeuoured on the otherside to resist his attempts, and after he had leuied a sore tribute of his subiects, passed ouer into Normandie with a great power, and no small masse of monie,King Henrie passeth ouer into Norman|die to assist the erle of Cham|paigne. where ioining with earle Theobald, they began to prepare for warre, purposing to follow the same euen to the vttermost. K. Lewes in the m [...]ane time, supposing that all hope of victorie rested in spéedie dispatch of present affaires, determined likewise to haue inua|ded Normandie vpon the sudden. But after he per|ceiued that his enimies were all in a redinesse, and verie well prouided to resist him: he staied and drew backe a little while. Neuerthelesse in the end he be|came so desirous to be dooing with king Henrie, that approching néere vnto the confines of Normandie,The French K. inuadeth Normandie. he made manie skirmishes with the English, yet no notable exploit passed betwixt them in that yeare.