[1] ΒΆ Hereby it is plaine (as Polydor saith) how the bishops in those daies were blinded with coue|tousnesse and ambition, not considering that it was their duties to despise such worldlie pompe, as the people regard, and that their calling required a stu|dious endeuour for the health of such soules as fell to their charge. Neither yet remembred they the sim|plicitie of Christ, and his contempt of worldlie digni|tie, when he refused to satisfie the humor of the peo|ple, who verie desirouslie would haue made him a king, but withdrew himselfe, and departed to a mountaine himselfe alone. They were rather infec|ted with the ambition of the apostles, contending one with another for the primasie, forgetting the vo|cation where to Christ had separated them, not to rule as kings ouer the gentiles; but to submit their necks to the yokes of obedience, as they had Christ their maister an example and president.