[1] [2] The king thus hauing vanquished and ouercome the Welshmen,Garisons pla|ced in Wales by K. Henrie. Floriacensis Wigorniensis. placed garisons in sundrie townes & castels, where he thought most necessarie, and then re|turned to London with great triumph. Thither shortlie after came ambassadours from the empe|rour, requiring the kings daughter affianced (as be|fore you haue heard) vnto him, and (being now viri|potent or mariable) desired that she might be deliue|red vnto them.A subsidie rai|sed by the king to bestowe with his daughter. Hen. Hunt. Polydor. King Henrie hauing heard their sute and willing with spéed to performe the same, raised a great tax among his subiects, rated after euerie hide of land which they held, & taking of ech one thrée shil|lings towards the paiment of the monie which was couenanted to be giuen with hir at the time of the contract. Which when the king had leuied, with much more, towards the charges to be emploied in sending hir foorth, he appointed certeine of his greatest péeres to safe conduct hir vnto hir husband, who with all con|uenient speed conueied hir into Germanie, and in verie honorable maner there deliuered hir vnto the foresaid emperour. After this, the king went into Normandie,The king go|eth ouer into Normandie. and there created his sonne William duke of that countrie, causing the people to sweare fealtie and obedience to him, whereof rose a custome, that the kings of England from thencefoorth (so long as Normandie remained in their hands) made euer their eldest sonnes dukes of that countrie. When he had doone this with other his businesse in Norman|die, he returned into England.