[1] Not long after this Thomas the archbishop of Yorke died: after whom succeeded Thurstane,Thurstane archbishop of Yorke. a man of a loftie stomach, but yet of notable learning, who euen at the verie first began to contend with Rafe the archbishop of Canturburie about the title and right of the primasie. And though the king aduised him to stand to the order which the late archbishops of Yorke had obserued, yet he would not staie the matter, sith he saw that archbishop Rafe being sicke and diseased, could not attend to preuent his doings. Thurstane therfore consecrated certeine bishops of Scotland,Giles Aldane bishop of S. Ninian. and first of all Giles Aldane the elect bi|shop of S. Ninian, who promised and tooke his oth (as the manner is) to obeie him in all things as his primate.