[1] [2] Now, as also before, the king continued his inor|dinate desire of inriching himselfe, for the fulfilling of which hungrie appetite (called Sacra of the poets Per antiphrasin) he pinched manie so sore, that they ceas|sed not to speake verie ill of his dooings. He did also incurre the misliking of verie manie people, bicause he kept still the sée of Canturburie in his hands,The archbi|shops sée of Canturburie in the kings hand foure yeares. and would not bestow it, for that he found sweetnesse in receiuing all the profits and reuenues belonging therevnto, during the time that it remained vacant, which was the space of foure yeares, or thereabouts. In like maner,1113 Anno Reg. 13. when he was admonished to place some méet man in the roome, he would saie, that he was willing to bestow it, but he tooke the lon|ger time, for that he meant to find such a one to pre|fer therto as should not be too far behind Lanfranke and Anselme in doctrine, vertue and wisedome. And sith there was none such yet to be found, he suffered that sée to be void till such could be prouided. This ex|cuse he pretended,The kings excuse. as though he were more carefull for the placing of a worthie man, than of the gaine that followed during the time of the vacation. How|beit not long after,1114 Anno Reg. 14. he translated one Richard bishop of London to that archbishoprike, who enioieng it but a while, he gaue the same to one Rafe then bishop of Rochester, and made him archbishop of Cantur|burie, being the 35. in order that ruled that see. Eadmerus. He was elected at Windsor the 26. of Aprill, and on the 16. daie of Maie installed at Canturburie, great preparation being made for the feast which was hol|den at the same. Soone after likewise he sent for his pall to Rome, which was brought from Paschall by one Anselme nephue vnto the late archbishop An|selme. About this time also the pope found himselfe gréeued,The popes authoritie not regarded in England. for that his authoritie was but little estée|med in England, & for that no persons were permit|ted to appeale to Rome in cases of controuersie, and for that (without seeking to obteine his licence and consent) they did kéepe their synods & councels about ecclesiasticall affaires, neither would obeie such Le|gats as he did send, nor come to the conuocations which they held. In so much that one Cono the popes Legat in France had excommunicated all the préests of Normandie, bicause they would not come to a synod which they had summoned. Wherevpon the king being somewhat troubled, by aduice of his councell, sent the bishop of Excester to Rome,The bishop of Excester sent to Rome. (though he were then blind) to talke with the pope concerning that matter.