[1] All this while Anselme was deteined with long and gréeuous sicknesse,Ans [...]lme sick. and yet not forgetfull of the obstinate dealing of Thomas of Yorke, he wrote let|ters vnto him, by vertue whereof he suspended him [page 36] from exercising all pastorall function, till he had re|formed his errour, submitted himselfe to receiue his blessing, and acknowledged his subiection to the church of Canturburie, as his predecessours Tho|mas and Gerard had doone, and before them other ancients, as custome had prescribed. Thus he char|ged him, vpon paine of cursing, except he would re|nounce his archbishops dignitie: for in so dooing he did grant him licence to vse the office and ministerie of a préest (which before time he had taken vpon him) or else not.