[1] About the calends of August, in this yeare 1107. the king held a councell of bishops, abbats, and o|ther lords of his realme in his pallace at London, where in the absence of Anselme, the matter tou|ching the inuestitures of churches, was argued vpon for the space of thrée daies togither, and in the end bicause the pope had granted the homages of bishops and other prelats to the king, which his predecessor Urban had forbidden, togither with the inuestitu|res; the king was contented to consent to the popes will in forbearing the same. So that when An|selme was come, the king in presence of him and a great multitude of his people, granted and ordeined, that from thenceforth no bishop nor abbat should be inuested within the realme of England, by the hand either of the king or any laie man: on the other side it was granted againe by Anselme, that no person elected into the prelacie, should be depriued of his consecration for dooing his homage to the king.