[1] [2] Here must I leaue duke Robert, and speake som|what of Anselme the archbishop, who shortlie after his returne into England, receiued letters from pope Paschall, wherein Anselme was authorised to dispose and order things as should séeme to him most expedient. Now, whereas the greater and better part of the English clergie consisted of préests sonnes, he committed to his discretion the order to dispense with them; namelie, that such as were of commen|dable life and sufficient learning, might be admitted to the ministerie, as the necessitie of time and state of the church should require. The pope also by the same letters gaue Anselme authoritie to absolue Ri|chard the prior of Elie,Richard prior of Elie. vpon his satisfaction preter|mitted, and to restore him to the gouernement of the priorie of Elie, if the king thought it conuenient.