[1] The earle of Mortaigne.Duke Robert and the earle of Mortaigne fighting most manfullie in the verie prease of their enimies, were taken, or (as other saie) betraied, and deliuered into their enimies hands: Eadmerus. W. Crispine. W. Ferreis. Robert de E|stoutuille. The number slaine. beside which twaine, Wil|liam Crispine, William Ferreis, Robert Estout|uille the elder, with foure hundreth men of armes, and to the number of 10. thousand footmen were ta|ken. As for the number that were slaine in this bat|tell, there is none that declareth the certeintie: but yet it is reported by diuers writers, that no one bat|tell in those daies was sorer fought, nor with greater bloudshed either in Normandie, or elsewhere.