[1] The king nothing mooued herewith, but as one that disdained to make a direct answer, murmured certeine things with himselfe, and turned away from the duke, as one that either by experience knew his brothers light and vnstable mind, or as one that de|termined to be reuenged of him euen to the vtter|most. Duke Robert also,The brethren depart in dis|pleasure. abhorring and vtterlie de|testing this his brothers pride, streightwaies retur|ned home, purposing with himselfe to trie the hazard of warre, sith he sawe no hope to be had in brotherlie loue and amitie. Wherevpon he prouided for wars with all his power, seeking aid from all places where he might get any,K. Henrie pas|seth into Nor|mandie to pur|sue his bro|ther. though the king his brother gaue him small leisure thereto, who followed him inconti|nentlie with a new supplie of souldiours, desiring no|thing more than to get him within his danger.