[1] [2] The threatning words of duke Robert comming at the last to king Henries eares, caused him foorth|with to conceiue verie sore displeasure against the duke, in so much that he sent ouer a power into Nor|mandie, which finding no great resistance,A power of men sent into Normandie. did much hurt in the countrie, by fetching and carieng spoiles and preies. Againe, the Normans rather fauoured than sought to hinder the enterprise of king Henrie, bicause they saw how duke Robert with his foolish prodigalitie and vndiscréet liberalitie had made a|waie all that belonged to his estate; so that of the whole duchie of Normandie, he had not any citie or towne of name left in his owne possession, Roan onelie excepted, which he also would haue alienated, if the citizens would haue consented to his fond mo|tion. Gemeticen [...]is.