[1] Moreouer, the earle of Mellent, and Richard de Riuers (who had counselled the king to stand stoutlie in the matter,The earle of Mellent. and not to giue ouer his title of such in|uesritures, sith his ancestors had vsed them so long a time before his daies, Anno Reg. 4. by reason whereof, in renoun|cing his right to the same, he should doo a thing great|lie preiudiciall to his roiall estate and princelie maie|stie) were now earnest labourers to agree the king and the pope,The K. per|suaded to re|nounce his ti|tle to the inue|stiture of pre|lats. Eadmerus. in so much that in the end the king was persuaded by Anselme and them to let go his hold, resigning the inuestitures with staffe and ring; not|withstanding that, he reserued the right of elections, and such other roialties as otherwise apperteined to to his maiestie, so that such bishops as had doone ho|mage to the king, were not disabled thereby, but qui|etlie permitted to receiue their iurisdictions.