[1] Anno Reg. 3When the earle of Shrewesburie was banished (as ye haue heard) the state of the realme seemed to be reduced into verie good order and quietnesse: so that king Henrie being aduanced with good successe in his affaires, was now in no feare of danger any maner of waie. Howbeit herein he somewhat dis|pleased the cleargie: Polydor. The king be|stoweth bi|shopriks. Matth. Paris. for leaning vnto his princelie authoritie, he tooke vpon him both to nominate bi|shops, and to inuest them into the possession of their sées: amongst whom was one Remclid, bishop of Hereford by the kings ordinance. This Remclid or Remeline did afterwards resigne that bishoprike to the king, bicause he was persuaded he had greatlie offended in receiuing the same at a temporall mans hands. Sim. Dunel.