[1] The king in the meane time with all conuenient spéed raised a power, first besieging the castell of A|rundell,Arundell ca|stell besieged. and then planting diuerse bastillions before it, he departed from thence, and sending the bishop of Lincolne with part of his armie to besiege Ticke|hill,Bridgenorth besieged. he himselfe went to Bridgenorth, which he enui|roned about with a mightie armie made out of all parts of his realme: so that what with gifts, large promises, and fearefull threatnings, at the last he al|lured to his side the fickle Welshmen, and in such wise wan them, that they abandoned the earle, and tooke part against him. Anno Reg. 3. Wherevpon the king within 30. daies subdued all the townes and castels (which he held) out of his hands,The earle of Shrewsburie banished the realme. and banished him the relme, and shortlie after confined his brother Arnold for his traitorous demeanour vsed against him, whereby their attempts were brought vnto an end.