[1] [2] The king being now rid of forren trouble, was shortlie after disquieted with the seditious attempts of Robert de Belesme earle of Shrewsburie, Simon Dun. Robert de Belesme earle of Shrews|burie. sonne to Hugh before named, who fortified the castell of Bridg [...]north, and an other castell in Wales at a place called Caircoue, and furnished the towne of Shrewsburie, with the castels of Arundell & Ticke|hill (which belonged to him) in most substantiall ma|ner. Moreouer he sought to win the fauour of the Welshmen, by whose aid he purposed to defend him|selfe against the king in such vnlawfull enterprises as he ment to take in hand. But the king hauing an inkeling whereabout he went, straitwaies proclai|med him a traitor, wherevpon he got such Welshmen and Normans together as he could conuenientlie come by, with whom and his brother Arnold, he en|tred into Staffordshire, which they forraied and wa|sted excéedinglie,Stafford wasted. bringing from thence a great bootie of beasts and cattell, with some prisoners, whom they led foorthwith into Wales, where they kept them|selues as in a place of greatest safetie.