[1] When the fame was blowne into England, Anno Reg. 2. that duke Robert was returned into Normandie, and that the people had receiued him for their duke with great triumph and ioy: there were diuerse which de|siring innouations, deliting in alterations, and be|ing wearie of the quiet gouernement of king Hen|rie, wrote letters into England to the duke,Duke Robert is solicited to come into En|gland to claim the crowne. signifi|eng to him, that if he would make hast, and come to recouer the realme out of his brothers hands (who v|surped it by an vniust title) they would be readie to aid him with all their power. Herewithall the duke being readie of his owne accord to this enterprise, was not a little inflamed, and grew more earnest to make hast about this businesse: in somuch as, where he would not séeme at the first to estéeme greatlie of the offer made to him by the Englishmen, who had thus written ouer vnto him (blaming generallie all the English Nobilitie, for that while he was abroad in the seruice of the christian common-wealth a|gainst the infidels, they would suffer him to be in such wise defrauded of his fathers inheritance, by his brother, through their vntruth and negligence) yet although he meant to delaie the matter, and thought it rather better to dissemble with them for a time, Wil. Malm. Simon Dun. than to commit the successe of his affaires and person to their inconstancie; shortlie after being set on fire, and still incouraged by the persuasion of Rafe bishop of Durham (who by a woonderfull wilie shi [...]t, about the first of Februarie had broken out of pri|son) with all speed possible he gathered an armie,In the Kal. of Februarie. R. Houe. Hen. Hun [...]. Polydor. pur|posing out of hand to passe ouer with the same into England, and to hazard his right by dent of sword, which was thus by plaine iniurie most wickedlie de|teined from him.