[1] [2] ¶ We read, that when christian princes had woone Hierusalem, Ran. Higd. Duke Robert chosen king of Hierusalem. they met togither in the temple to chuse a king for the gouernement of that citie and coun|trie, in which conuent duke Robert was chosen be|fore all the residue to be king there, by reason of a mi|racle (as some haue left recorded) wrought by quen|ching of a [...]aper, and the sudden kindling thereof a|gaine, as he held the same in his hand, standing in the church before the altar amongst other on Easter euen: so as thereby it should be thought he was ap|pointed among all the residue to be king, and so was nominated. Polydor. But he hauing his mind more inclined to England, refused to take the charge vpon him: wherevpon after that daie he neuer greatlie prospe|red in anie businesse which he tooke in hand: as some doo gather. Other authors of good credit, which haue written that voiage into the holie land, m [...]ke no mention of anie such matter, but declare, that God|fraie of Bolongne was by the generall consent of all the princes and capiteins there elected king, as in the description of that voiage more plainelie ap|péereth. But now to returne from whence I haue digressed.