[1] In this kings daies Iohn bishop of Welles ioi|ned the monasterie of Bath vnto his see,Couentrie church ioined to the sée of Chester. and re|pairing the same monasterie, began to inhabit there in the yeere 1094. The church of Couentrie was in like sort ioined vnto the sée of Chester by Robert bi|shop of that diocesse. Woolstan bishop of Worcester died about the same time, and Anselme hauing pur|chased bulles of pope Paschall, wherein was contei|ned an admonition vnto king William to desist from his gréeuous oppressing of the church, and to a|mend his former dooings, was now on his returne towards England, and by the waie heard of the kings death. Hugh earle of Chester in this kings daies builded the abbeie of Chester, and procured An|selme (afterwards archbishop of Canturburie) to come ouer from Normandie, that he might direct the same abbeie, and place such religious persons as were necessarie and conuenient for so good a founda|tion.