[1] He was of stature not so tall as the common sort of men, red of haire,His stature. Whereof he tooke his sur|name Rufus. whereof he tooke his surname Rufus, somwhat big of bellie, and not readie of toong, speciallie in his anger, for then his vtterance was so hindered, that he could scarselie shew the conceits of his mind: he died without issue, and vsed concu|bines all the daies of his life. I find that in apparell he loued to be gaie and gorgeous, & could not abide to haue anie thing (for his wearing) estéemed at a small valure. Wherevpon it came to passe on a morning, when he should pull on a new paire of hose, Wil. Malm. he asked the groome of his chamber that brought them to him what they cost? Thrée shillings saith he;
Why thou hooreson (said the king) dooth a paire of hose of thrée shillings price become a king to weare? Go thy waies, and fetch me a paire that shall cost a marke of siluer. The groome went, and brought him another paire, for the which he paid scarselie so much as for the first. But when the king asked what they stood him in, he told him they cost a marke: and then was he well satisfied, and said; Yea marie, these are more fit for a king to weare, and so drew them vpon his legs.