[1] Moreouer, to increase the suspicion which men had of his infidelitie, it is written,King William suspected of infidelitie. that he caused a dispu|tation to be kept betwixt the Iewes & the christians, promising that if the Iewes ouercame the christians in argument, he would be a Iew: but the Iewes be|ing ouercome, and receiuing the foile, would not confesse their errors, but alledged, that by factions (and not by reason) they were put to the worse. How|beit, what opinion soeuer he had of the Iewes faith, it appéereth by writers that he doubted in manie points of the religion then in credit. Eadmerus. For he sticked not to protest openlie, that he beléeued no saint could profit anie man in the Lords sight, and therefore neither would he nor anie other that was wise (as he affirmed) make intercession, either to Peter,Praieng to saincts. or to anie other for helpe.