[1] In déed such was his condition, that who soeuer would giue, might haue, & that oftentimes without respect, whether their sute was reasonable and allow|able or not, in somuch that it is said of him, that be|ing in Roan on a time, there came to him diuerse Iewes who inhabited that citie,Iewes. complaining to him, that diuerse of their nation had renounced their Iewish religion, and were become christians: wherefore they besought him, that for a certeine summe of monie which they offered to giue, it might please him to constreine them to abiure christianitie, and turne to the Iewish law againe. He was con|tented to satisfie their desires, and so receiuing the monie, called them before him, & what with threats, and putting them otherwise in feare, he compelled diuerse of them to forsake Christ, and returne to their old errors.