[1] Stephan Har+ding a moonke.About this time, by the meanes of Stephan Har|ding a Monke of Shireborne, an Englishman, the order of Cisteaux or white moonkes had his begin|ning within the countrie of Burgongne, as witnes|neth Ranulph the moonke of Chester: Ran. Higd. Iacobus Phi|lippus Beri|gonias. but other wri|ters (as Iacob. Philippus) say that this Stephan was the second abbat of that place, and that it was foun|ded by one Robert abbat of Molmense, in the yeare of Grace 1098. This order was after brought into England by one called Walter Espeke, who foun|ded the first abbeie of that religion within this relme at Riuall, Anno Reg. 13. 1100 about the yeare of Grace 1131.