[1] Anselme herewith departing from the court, came to Canturburie, declaring openlie what had bin said vnto him, and immediatlie sought to flee out of the realme in the night, prouiding for himselfe a shi [...] at Douer. But his purpose being reuealed to the king, one William Warlewast the kings seruant was sent after him, Fabian. and finding him readie to depart, tooke from him all that he had, & gaue him a free pas|port out of the land. Anselme repairing to Rome, made vnto pope Urban a greeuous information a|gainst the king, Matth. Paris. Anselme com|ming to Rome complaineth of the king. declaring into what miserable state he had brought the Realme, and that for want of as|sistance in his suffragans it laie not in him to re|forme the matter.