[1] The bishops were sore abashed hereat,The bishops driuen to their shifts how to shape an an|swer. and driuen to a shrewd pinch. Now when, not long after, the king required to know of euerie of them apart, whe|ther they vtterlie renounced all maner of subiection and obedience vnto Anselme without any condition intermitted, or else that onelie which he did pretend by authoritie of the pope: the bishops making an|swer diuerslie herevnto, the king appointed those to sit downe by him as faithfull subiects, who acknow|ledged that their renuntiation was absolutelie made, without intermitting of any condition: as for the other, who protested that they renounced their subiection and obedience vnto him onelie in that which he presumed vpon in the behalfe of the pope, he commanded them to go aside, and to remaine in a corner of the house to heare the sentence of their con|demnation pronounced.