[1] [2] But to the purpose, king William after his re|turne into England, remembring what damage he had susteined two yƩeres before at the hands of the Welshmen, determined eftsoones to inuade their countrie, and therefore doubling his power, com|meth into the marshes,The king eft|soones inua|deth the Welshmen. Polydor. pitcheth his field, and consul|teth with his capteines what order he were best to vse in that his enterprise, for the taming of his eni|mies. The Welshmen hearing of the kings approch, and that his armie was farre greater than the last which he brought into their countrie, fell to their woonted policie,The Welsh|men with|draw into the woods. H. Hunt. and got them into the woods, there to lie in wait, trusting more to the aduantage of starting holes, than to their owne force & puissance.