[3] In like maner, pope Urban
calling a councell at Clermount in Auuergne,The councell
of Clermount. exhorted the christian prin|ces so earnestlie to
make a iourneie into the holie|land, for the recouerie thereof out of the
Saracens hands, that the said great and
generall iournie was concluded vpon to be taken in hand;
The iournie into the holie land. Godfray be Bullion.
Haue you not (I beséech you) coffins of gold and siluer full of dead mens bones? Meaning the shrines wherein the relikes of saints were inclosed.Which (as his words seemed to import) he would haue had them conuert into mo|nie, therewith to helpe him in that need, iudging it no sacrilege, though manie did otherwise esteeme it, considering (as he pretended) that it was gathered for so godlie an vse, as to mainteine warres against Infidels and enimies of Christ.