[1] [2] [3] [4] Furthermore, Polydor. king William perceiuing that by his cruell and couetous gouernment, sundrie of his subiects did dailie steale out of the realme, to liue in forreine countries, he published a proclamation, charging that no man should depart the realme without his licence and safe-conduct.A proclamati|on that none should depar [...] the realme. Hereof it is thought, that the custome rose of forbidding passage out of the realme, which oftentimes is vsed as a law, when occasion serueth. Soone after, he went against the Welshmen, whom he vanquished in battell néere to Brecknocke, and slue Rees their king, who had doone much hurt within the English borders, Ran. Higd. Rées king of Wales slaine. when he was their incamped. This Rise or Rées was the last king that reigned ouer the Welshmen, as au|thors affirme: for afterwards, though they often|times rebelled, yet the kings of England were repu|ted and taken as supreme gouernors of that part of the Iland. Moreouer, to haue the countrie the better in quiet, he did cut downe their woods, Wil. Thorne. and builded manie castels and piles in places conuenient, by meanes whereof they were somewhat tamed, and trained in due time to obedience, though not at the first, nor in the daies of sundrie of his successors.