Snippet: 24 of 69 (1587, Volume 6, p. 20)
[2] Earle Hugh then
established in possession of this earledome, with most large priuileges and
fréedoms, for the better gouernement thereof, ordeined vn|der him foure
barons; namelie, his cousine Nigell or Neal baron of Halton,Foure ba|rons, Nigell or Neal, Piers Mal|banke, sir
Piers Malbanke baron of Nauntwich, sir Eustace
Eustace whose sur|name we find not.
Warren Uer|non.
baron of Mawpasse, and sir Warren Uernon baron of Shipbrooke.
Ni|gell held his baronie of Halton by seruice, to lead the Uauntgard of the
earles armie when he should make any iournie
into Wales; so as he should be the foremost in marching into the enimies
countrie, and the last in comming backe: he was also conesta|ble and
marshall of Chester. From this Nigell or Neal,The
Lacies. the Lacies that were earles of Lincolne had their
originall. When earle Hugh had gouerned the earledome of Chester the terme
of 40. yeares, he de|parted this life, in the yeare 1107. He had issue by
his wife Armetrida, Richard the second earle of Chester after the conquest;
Robert, abbat of Saint Edmundsburie: and
Otnell, tutor to the children of king Henrie the first. Moreouer, the said
earle Hugh had a sister named Margaret, that was maried to Iohn Bohun,
Iohn Bohun.
who had issue by hir, Ranulfe Bohun, otherwise called Meschines,
which Ranulfe by that meanes came to enioy the earledome of Chester in right
of his mother (after that earle Richard was drowned in the sea) and not by
exchange for the earle|dome of Carleil, as by this which we haue alreadie
recited may sufficientlie be prooued.