[1] ¶ Here haue I thought good to aduertise you of an error in Matth. West. crept in either through mispla|cing the matter by means of some exemplifier, Matth. West. either else by the authors mistaking his account of yeares, as 1072. for 1092. referring the repairing of Carle|il vnto William Conquerour, at what time he made a iournie against the Scots in the said yeare 1072. And yet not thus contented; to bewraie the error more manifestlie, he affirmeth, that the king exchan|ged [page 20] the earledome of Chester with Rafe or Ranulfe de Micenis, aliàs Meschines, for the earledome of Carleil, which the said Meschines held before, and had begunne there to build and fortifie that towne: whereas it is certeine that Ranulfe de Meschines came to enioy the earledome of Chester by way of inheritance, as after shall appeare. For better proofe whereof ye shall vnderstand, that we find by ancient records, how one Hugh Lou or Lupus enioied the earledome of Chester all the daies of the Conqueror, and long after, which Hugh was sonne to Richard earle of Auranges and the countesse Emma daugh|ter of a noble man in Normandie named Herlow|in, who maried Arlet the daughter of a burgesse in Falois, and mother to William Conquerour. So that the said Hugh, being sisters sonne to the Con|queror, receiued by gift at his hands the earldome of Chester, to hold of him as fréelie by right of the sword, as he held the realme of England in title of his crowne. For these be the words: Tenendum sibi & haeredibus ita liberè ad gladium, sicut ipse (Rex) totam tenebat Angliam ad coronam.