[1] Whilest the realme was thus troubled on ech side,The diligence of the archbi|shop Lan|franke. archbishop Lanfranke sendeth, writeth, and admoni|sheth all the kings fréends to make themselues rea|die to defend their prince. And after he vnderstood that they were assembled togither for that purpose, he counselleth the king to march into the field with them spéedilie, to represse his enimies. The king fol|lowing his counsell, first appointed his nauie to scowre and keepe the seas, and to withstand (if it were possible) the arriuall of his brother by faire words.The great curtesie shew|ed to the Eng|lishmen by Wil. Rufus. Simon Dun. Al|so he reconcileth Roger de Mountgomerie earle of Shrewsburie vnto him, and therewith maketh large promises to the English, that he would out of hand giue and restore vnto them such fauourable lawes as they would wish or desire. Moreouer he commanded all vniust imposts, tolles and tallages to be laid downe, and granted frée hunting in the woods, cha|ses and forrests. All which grants and promises he kept not long, though for the time he greatlie conten|ted the people with such a shew of good meaning to|wards them. This doone, Wil. Malm. he goeth with a mightie ar|mie into Kent, where the sedition began, and first comming to the castell of Tunbridge, he compelled capteine Gilbert to yeeld vp the fortresse into his hands. Then went he to Horne castell, where he heard saie Odo was (but the report was vntrue, for he had betaken himselfe to the castell of Pemsey) which when he had ouerthrowne, he hasted foorth vnto Pemsey, and besieged the castell there a long season, which the bishop had stronglie fortified.