3.13. The names and times of certeine chancellors of Scotland, gathered out of the histories of that nation.

The names and times of certeine chancellors of Scotland, gathered out of the histories of that nation.

_WIlliam Wood bishop of Dunblaine William Wood. was chancellor to William king of Scots, which began his reigne in the yeare of Christ one thousand one hun|dred eightie and fiue, as some haue (but Lesleus lib. 6. pag. 226 giueth it to the yeare of our Lord God one thousand one hundred and thrée score, whose account herein is false) and continued in that office at the time of the death of the said William, which fell in the yéere of our redemption one thousand two hundred and fouretéene. After whose death he was by Alexander the second confirmed in the same place of chancellor.

Iohn Lion chancellor of Scotland (in the time Iohn Lion. of Robert the second of that name, and the first of the house of the Stewards which ware the crowne) was chancellor of Scotland, who being in great fa|uor with the said Robert the second, maried the ladie Elisabeth daughter vnto the said king, with whome he had in franke mariage diuerse possessions called Glames, whereby he was called lord of Glames; of which Lion is that surname descended, who in me|morie of that marriage beare in their armes the li|ons and lillies with the tresse in such forme as the king of Scotland beareth the same, except that their lions be placed in a blacke field, as Holinshed hath noted. Which Lion being chancellor was slaine in the yeare of our Lord one thousand thrée hundred and eightie, being about the tenth yeare of the same Robert the second, who after banished the earle of Crawford.

Gilbert Grenlaw bishop of Aberden, being Gilbert Gren|law. chancellor about the yeare that the word became flesh, one thousand foure hundred and eleuen in the vacancie of the kingdome, vnder duke Mordacke, betwéene the death of Robert the second (which fell in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred and six, and the beginning of the reigne of Iames the first, in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand foure hundred twentie and six) was sent ambassa|dor into France with other noblemen of Scotland, touching which, thus writeth Lesleus lib. 7. pag. 270. Mortuo interea Roberto Scotiae gubernatore, filius eius Mordacus regni procurator designatur. A quo Carolus septimus Francorum rex (in patris quoque locum suffectus) per legatos auxilium contra Anglos postulat. Assensus ille est, & eosdẽ duces (quos paulò ante in Franciam in copijs traiecisse commemora|uimus) cum valido militum manu Gallo subsidio re|misit. Cum eis quoque Gilbertus Grenlau episco|pus Aberdonensis, vir magnae inter regni primo|res singularem ob prudentiam auctoritatis, qui cancellariatus magistratum magna gessit dexteri|rate, in Galliam mittitur legatus, qui regem Caro|lum consolaretur, & certiorem faceret eos, qui Galliam aduenerãt, & totius Scotiae incolas, adeò in eius fide & amore perstare, vt se atque bona omnia, pro illius Francorúmque salute tribuere ex animo, sunt parati: idque rei exitus probabit. After which ambassage in France this Gilbert liued not verie long, for Henrie Lichton, who came shortlie in his place of the bishoprike, was with other sent ambas|sador into England, to fetch home Iames the first, and to inuest him in the crowne of Scotland.

William Creichton knight, whom Lesleus termeth william Creichton the wisest man that euer Scotland saw, being chan|cellor to Iames the first, was (in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred thirtie and thrée, about the ninth yeare of the same king Iames) with the earle of Angus, and Adam Hepborne of Hales, [page 450] sent to the castle of Dunbar, with letters signed with the kings hand, directed to the kéepers of the castle to deliuer the same to the bringers thereof: which the kéepers of that castle durst not disobeie, but permitted them to enter accordinglie. After this, in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred thirtie and fiue, and the eleuenth of the same king, he was sent ambassador into Denmarke, where he conclu|ded a sound peace betwéene the nations of Den|marke and Scotland; which good seruice being well weied, he was after the death of Iames the first, and in the entrance of Iames the second into the go|uernment of Scotland, in the yeare of Christ 1436, confirmed in his office of chancellorship, be|side which he had the gouernment of the kings per|son, and of the castle of Edenburgh committed to his charge. Then by reason of contention which fell betwéene sir Alexander Leuingston the gouer|nour of the realme and this chancellor, they fell to parts taking in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred thirtie and seuen, whereby insued much mischéefe and bloudshed in the realme (as al|waies by my obseruation I haue found to happen during the minoritieand the insufficiencie of kings) at what time the quéene taking part with the gouer|nor against the chancellor, found means by subtiltie to get the king into hir possession out of the hands of the chancellor, after that she had handsomlie trussed vp the king in a troonke like a fardell full of apparell, wherevpon the gouernor besieged the chancellor in the castle of Edenburgh, but in the end they agréed that Creichton should still kéepe the castle of Eden|burgh and of his office of chancellor.

That doone, in the yeare one thousand foure hun|dred thirtie and nine, and the third yeare of Iames the second, the chancellor obteined to haue the quéene Dowager, and hir husband Iames Steward lord of Lorne released out of the prison of Sterling, whi|ther they were committed by the gouernor. Which doone the chancellor kéeping in mind the deceit of the quéene, in ouerreaching him, by getting the king out of his possession, and séeing the gouernor to take the whole authoritie on him at his pleasure, did so worke that he found meanes, that he onlie accompanied with foure and twentie persons, did againe get the king (as he was one morning hunting in Sterling parke) into his possession, whom he carried with him into the castle of Edenburgh, wherewith the gouer|nor was gréeuoustie displeased, but not able to re|medie the same, there was an agréement made be|twéene the chancellor and him, that the king should remaine in the custodie of the chancellor, and the go|uernor continue his office in administrating the af|faires of the realme. Wherevpon in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred and fortie, and the fourth yeare of Iames the second, the gouernor and the chancellor assemble a councell of the nobilitie at Edenburgh. In the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred fortie and foure, being the eight of the same Iames the second, both the gouernor and the chancellor (at the persuasion of William earle Dowglas) were remooued from their offices by the king, who being now about fourtéene yeres old, had taken the absolute gouernment of the kingdome vpon him: besides which they were also put from the councell, their friends were banished the court, and they were summoned to appeare before the king, which they refused, not as giltie in conscience, but as fearing the crueltie of their enimies, wherevpon they were proclamed rebels and put to the horne, which occasioned William Dowglasse the chancel|lors great enimie to gather a power and spoile the lands of this William Creichton, for requitall wher|of, Creichton gathered a like-power, entred the land of Dowglasse, and spoiled the same all that he could, which thing adding further heat to the Dowglasse, caused him to procure the king in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred fortie and fiue, being the ninth yeare of the kings reigne, to demand of Creichton the deliuerie of the castles of Edenburgh and of Creichton, which he denieng to doo vntill the king came to full age, had all his goods confiscat, ha|uing therein no iniurie doone vnto him, for as saith Lesleus: Primus omnium sanciuerat Creichtonus, Lesleus lib. 8. pag. 297. vt qui regi castrum aliquod postulanti restiterit, vio|latae maiestatis arcessatur, cuius ille legis poenam pri|mus subijt, as did he which deuised Phalaris bull. But after when the king had besieged Edenburgh castle nine moneths, Creichton being therein, the same was deliuered with condition, that Creich|ton should still remaine chancellor, which obteined, he neuer after delt in the affairs of the common welth, whereby growing againe into the kings fauour, he was with others in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred fortie & six, being the tenth of Iames the second, sent ambassador to the duke of Gelder|land to obteine Marie the dukes daughter to wife for the king, which he brought to passe. All which not|withstanding in the yeare following he fell againe into the princes disgrace, and was by parlement holden in the yere of Christ one thousand foure hun|dred fortie and seuen, forfalted, for that his seruants would not deliuer Creichtons house or castle to the king, as before you haue heard. But after as it sée|meth, such is the mutabilitie of fortune, he returned into the kings grace, for which in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred and fiftie, he was by the earle Dowglasse (supposing him to be the cause that the king misliked the earle) assaulted one mor|ning as he was comming out of the castle of Eden|burgh, from which although wounded, he escaped vnto his castle of Creichton, where in short space af|ter he assembled a power, recouered Edenburgh from the Dowglasse, and had destroied the earle at that present, if he had not shifted awaie more spéedi|lie: who being thus dishonorablie chased from Eden|burgh, drew the erle of Crawford and Rosse to ioine with him against Creichton, but he little estéeming thereof and requiting good for euill, did in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred fiftie and thrée, or a thousand foure hundred fiftie and foure as some haue, procure a pardon for the earle of Crawford, gréeuouslie fallen into the kings displeasure. In which yeare also the king calling a parlement at E|denburgh, the earldome of Murreie was giuen to sir Iames Creichton, or rather restored to him, from whom it had béene wrongfullie taken by the iniust sentence of William earle of Dowglasse, who had procured it to be assigned to his brother Archibald Dowglasse, although the right remained in the same sir Iames Creichton. But yet when the same sir Iames could not kéepe that earledome without the enuie of diuers persons, he surrendred the same into the kings hands. Beside all which at this parlement was George Creichton created earle of Cathnesse, which I thought good to note in this place, because it touched the name of Creichton, whereof I doo now intreat by reason of this chancellor.

Andrew Steward lord of Anandale was chan Andrew Ste|ward. cellor of Scotland in the yere of Christ one thousand foure hundred three score and eight, being about the eight yeare of the reigne of king Iames the third, & was sent with others into Norweie to conclude a mariage with the king of Denmarke, betwéene his daughter Margaret & the king of Scots, which ladie he brought with him into Scotland in Iulie, at what time they were married accordinglie. Some yeares after which, that is about the yeare of Christ [page 451] one thousand foure hundred foure score and two, and the two and twentith of Iames the third, when Alex|ander Steward Duke of Albanie with the duke of Glocester were come vnto Rastalrig with the English power, this man amongst others, was sent to the English campe to treat with the two dukes, with whom in the end an agréement was made. By which the duke of Albanie, before fled out of Scot|land, was restored home, and had both honors and offices bestowed on him; who with this chancellor & other noble men had the gouernment of the king|dome for a certeine space: during which time, this duke the chancellor and others, going to visit the queene at Sterling, the duke by the queenes persua|sion without knowledge of the other, went to Eden|burgh, and by force restored the king to libertie, be|fore taken and kept in hold by some of the nobilitie, which being knowne to the chancellor and the other lords at Sterling, they fled to their owne countries.

Iames Beton archbishop of Glascow was chan|cellor in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hun|dred & thirteene, being the first yeare of king Iames Iames Be|t [...]n. the fift. This man being of great wisdome, was ap|pointed amongst others to assist the quéene in the gouernment of the realme, wherevnto she was for a time aduanced: but the woman not induring to be directed by others, taking quarell against the bishop, did immediatlie after the mariage, performed the sixt of August, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and fouretéene, betwéene hir and Archi|bald Dowglasse earle of Angus (which this bishop incountred as much as he could) take the great seale from the said bishop of Glascow, at saint Iohns towne, whervpon the bishop got him to Edenburgh, and assisted with manie lords, kept the quéene and hir husband out of that towne, whereby great dissen|tion and part taking was raised amongst the nobili|tie of the realme. But as I gather, peace being made betwéene them, he was againe made chancellor. Af|ter this, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hun|dred and fiftéene, he commeth with the earle of Ar|rane, who submitteth himselfe to the gouernor. Short|lie following, the gouernor gaue to this archbishop of Glascow the abbeie of Arbroth, assigning to the earle of Murreie a large pension out of the same, which bishop being thus in fauor with the gouernor, was (in the yere of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and seuenteene in Maie, when the gouernor went in|to France) appointed, amongst others, to haue the rule of the realme vntill his returne. Two yeares after which, the nobilitie being diuided about the quarell of the earle of Angus & Arrane, this bishop in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and ninetéene, being then also chancellor, with other no|ble men of the realme, kept the towne of Glascow; but after that, this chancellor who would not come to Edenburgh, the king of England and of France their ambassadors came to Sterling, where a peace was proclamed amongst the nobilitie.

But what can long continue in one staie, or what peace will be long imbraced amongst ambiti|ous minds? sith in the yeare following, being the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and twen|tie, the noble men fell againe to factions: for when di|uerse of the péeres were come to Edenburgh to aid the earle of Angus against the earle of Arrane (this chancellor remaining then in the towne) they pur|sued the earle and chancellor so hotlie, that they were both constreined to forsake the towne, and to flie through the north Loch, about the thirtith daie of A|prill. But as the euents of quarels be doubtfull, now vp now downe, so this archbishop not long af|ter this disgrace, recouered breath, and in Nouem|ber following, did accompanie the regent come out of France to Edenburgh, where was a parlement holden, to summon the earle of Angus to appeare; but he refusing, it was agréed that the earle should passe into England there to remaine.

The bishop thus hauing the better of his eni|mies, Andrew Forman bishop of S. Andrews died, in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred twentie and two, being about the ninth yeare of Iames the first, by occasion whereof, this chancellor Iames Beton bishop of Glascow was aduanced to that sée, and further made abbat of Dumfermling. Upon which new honor, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred twentie and foure, he was appointed one of the gouernors of the realme by parlement: but he not possessing this honor anie long time, the earle of Angus (who had gotten the king into his vsurped gouernment, and denied the deliuerie of the king, being sent for by this bishop and the other nobilitie) sent to the chancellor for the great seale, which was deliuered to the messengers: vpon which, this bi|shop not forgetting the same, hastened the sentence of diuorce sued before him, betwéene the quéene and the earle of Angus. Whereof the earle, to reuenge the same, did with the king, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred twentie and six, séeke for the quéene and the bishop of saint Andrews: but because they were kept secretlie in their friends hou|ses (so that they could not be heard of) he spoiled the abbeie of Dumfermling, and the castell of saint An|drews, taking awaie all that the archbishop had. Notwithstanding which, the archbishop kéeping in fauor with the old quéene and the yoong king, did in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred twen|tie and nine, and the sixtéenth yeare of Iames the fift, christen Iames the kings sonne borne at saint Andrews, and not long after, surrendered his soule to God in the said yeare one thousand fiue hundred thirtie and nine: of whome it shall not gréeue me to set downe what Lesleus hath written, which though it be somewhat long, yet because it is necessarie, I had rather set downe the plaine words of the author, than by abridging of them into our our toong, to depriue the author of his due by his owne stile: thus therefore he writeth.

Iacobus Betonius archiepiscopus Santandrea|politanus, qui maximis reipublicae honoribus sum|máque Lesleus lib. 9. pag. 450. gloria apud nos quàm diutissimè floruerat, aetate iam grandior, naturae concedebat, ac in aede sancti Andreae tumulo honorificè tegebatur. Hic an|tistes quosdam, quos egregiè charos habuit, viuus constituebat, vt in beneficia sibi mortuo sufficerétur. In episcopatum autem Santandreapolitanum, ac in abbathiam Arbrothensem, vir summa prudentia, & animi magnitudine praestans Dauid Betonius cardi|nalis, eius ex fratre nepos, in abbathiam verò Dum|firmlingensem Georgius Dureus, in alia denique a|lij: quam illius voluntatem rex non impediuit, quo minùs illi, quos archiepiscopus ante obitum consti|tuerat, beneficijs liberè fruerentur: ne cuius viui mentem semper laudaret, eius mortui voluntatem malitiosè videretur rescidisse. Hic archiepiscopus praecipuum illius collegij quod nouum Santandre|apoli dicitur, partim suo sumptu excitauit, ac maxi|mam pecuniae vim qua reliqua pars inchoata perpo|liretur, testato reliquit: verùm pecunia illa in alios vsus postea traducta, collegij ius (ne quid acriùs di|cam) perierat. Thus much Lesle, and thus much I, touching this chancellor, spoken of also in my trea|tise of the archbishops of sant Andrews.

Gawen Dunbar archbishop of Glascow, and the kings schoolemaister, was chancellor as appeareth by Lesleus lib. 9. pag. 399. who in in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred twentie and two, writeth: Non multò post Andreas Formannus epis|copus [page 452] Santandreapolitanus vità cessit, huius quam primũ honore ac titulo insigniebatur Iacobus Beto|nus archiepiscopus Glascuensis, qui quidem archi|episcopatus omniũ summa voluntate cessit praestãtis|simo cuidam viro Gawino Dunbarro [...]; cui quòd recõditae eruditionis, sincerae vitae consilij que graui|ssimi laudibus praestiterit, regis tenella aetas moribus doctriná que informanda credebatur, quem intimis sensibus ita dilexit rex, vt sui intimi concilij socium, regnique cancellarium postea illum coaptauerat.

Dauid Beton (the brothers sonne of Iames Be|ton deceased archbishop of saint Andrews) was chancellor of Scotland, who being abbat of Arbroth, was with others sent ambassador into France in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred thir|tie and foure, being the one and twentith yeare of the gouernment of Iames the fift, for to procure the earle of Uandosmes sister in mariage for the king; but the same tooke not effect, because the king going in person into France liked hir not. About thrée yeares after, which was in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred thirtie and seuen, and the foure and twentith yeare of Iames the fift, this Da|uid was aduanced to the honor of a cardinall, of which title I doo not at this time remember, that e|uer I haue read anie other to haue inioied but Wal|ter Wardlaw, of whome Onuphrius thus writeth: Walterus episcopus Glascuensis presbyter cardina|lis Two cardi|nals onelie in Scotland. creatus, anno Domini 1383, 10 kalend. Ianua. 6 pontificatus Clemẽtis 7, obijt inter annum 1400, & 1409, whome the Scotish histories make cardi|nall somewhat before in the yeare one thousand three hundred fourscore and two, about the eleuenth yeare of Robert the second (at what time with others he was sent to Charles king of France as ambassa|dor to renew the league betweene France & Scot|land) by Paul the third, then pope of Rome, to whom also the king of France gaue in commendam the bishoprike of Miropen: of the making of which Be|ton cardinall, thus the same Onuphrius writeth: Da|uid de sancto Andrea Scotus episcopus Miropiensis presbyter cardinalis tituli sancti Stephani in Caelio monte creatus, anno Domini, 1538, 13 kalend. Ianuar. per Paulum tertiũ, anno pontificatus 13. In which words Onuphrius, and Lesleus following him, refer the creation of this cardinall vnto the yeare one thousand fiue hundred thirtie and eight, though others attribute it to the yeare one thousand fiue hundred thirtie and seuen. In which yeare one thousand fiue hundred thirtie and eight, he was with others sent ambassador into France after the death of the quéene, to procure Marie of Lorreine widow duchesse of Longuile, and daughter to the duke of Guise, to be giuen to king Iames in mari|age; which matter he brought to his desired effect.

The next yeare after, being the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred thirtie and nine, as you haue heard before, he was by his vncle Iames Beton archbishop of sainct Andrews, & abbat of Ar|broth, appointed to succéed in the same bishops sée and abbeie, which he inioied accordinglie: who ad|uanced with these dignities, did after the death of Iames the fift, falling in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred fortie and two, labor by po|licies and other extraordinarie deuises to be gouer|nor of the realme, during the minoritie of the yoong queene; but he was disappointed thereof by the no|bilitie, who chose the earle of Arrane to that functi|on; by meanes whereof, there fell continuall dissen|tions betwéene the nobilitie, which ended not vntill this cardinall was slaine as after it shall appeare. For shortlie after in the said yeare one thousand fiue hundred fortie and two, being committed to ward (in the castle of Dalketh vnder the custodie of the lord Seton, smallie fauoring the French faction) be|cause he would haue persuaded the nobilitie to for|sake the motion of the K. of England, determining to marie his son prince Edward to the yoong quéene of Scots. But the cardinall did not long remaine there; for by the gouernors appointment he was remoued to his owne castell of S. Andrews, hauing watch and ward about him, to see him safelie kept, in which place also he did not long continue: for cor|rupting his keepers he found meanes to escape; which doone, in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred fortie and thrée, he came to the coronation of the yoong queene, and shortlie after persuaded the earle of Ar|rane the gouernor to leaue the part of the king of England, and wholie to become French.

Now at the coronation, the cardinall ordered all things, appointing euerie officer, and growing into great credit, did in like sort at other times dispose of the common-wealth as séemed best liking vnto him. Wherevpon, the earle of Leneux taking part with the English, opposed himselfe against the go|uernor and the cardinall, whereby followed sharpe warres, the cardinall still supporting and counsel|ling the gouernor: which troubles being somewhat abated, by reason the earle of Leneux was gone in|to England, the cardinall in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred fortie and foure, receiued the patriarch of Ierusalem arriued in Scotland. In which meane time, there was great contention betwéene the cardinall and the archbishop of Glas|cow, for bearing their crosses in the others iurisdic|tion: wherevpon they fell from words to swords, which the gouernor appeased: that doone, the patri|arch the popes legat comming to Rome, procured the legantine power to be granted to this cardinall, which he long inioied not. For being greatlie en|uied by reason of these honors & some gréeuous facts, certeine persons in the yeare one thousand fiue hun|dred fortie and six (after that he had burned George Wischart a learned man, condemned at saint An|drews by an assemblie of bishops) did the thirtéenth daie of Maie (when they had secretlie in the morning entered the castell of saint Andrews where the car|dinall was) expell the porters of the foresaid castell, the cardinals seruants, and flue the cardinall naked as he came to méete them, whose death sir Iames Liermount prouost of saint Andrews thought to haue staied by assembling a power therefore: but after that he saw the cardinals dead bodie hanged out ouer the wals, he made no further attempt. The death of which cardinall comming to the gouernors eares, he banished the author thereof, as writeth Les|leus in these words: Gubernator, quòd nec cognato Lesleus lib. 19. pag. 482. suo sanguinis coniunctio, nec cardinali dignitas, nec cancellario maiestas ac domus propria, ad impio|rum insidias effugendas quicquam profuerit, aeger|rimè ferre. Consilio itaque Huntlei ac Argadij suasu indicto, in caedis auctores capitis proscriptionisque sententia data est.

George Gordon earle of Huntleie, sonne of Iohn Georg Gordon. Gordon, being chancellor of Scotland, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred fortie and sea|uen, falling about the fift yeare of the reigne of Ma|rie quéen of Scots, was taken prisoner by the Eng|lish at Muskelborow field, who pitieng the miserie of diuerse of his countriemen, wounded and taken at the same battell, did vndertake for their ransome; wherevpon they were permitted to depart, and left to shift for themselues as well as they might. In the next yeare, which was the yeare of Christ (as hath Lesleus one thousand fiue hundred fortie and eight) the protector of Scotland sent Carnegie knight and senator to the protector of England, to ransome Huntleie, or at the least to obteine that his wife [page 453] wife might come vnto him. Wherevpon the earle was with his keepers permitted to come to Mor|phet, where expecting his wife, he thought vpon his escape, and from thense after supper, deceiuing his warders, he fled by night into Scotland, through the aid of one George Carre his déere friend, who prouided him speedie horsses therefore. The earle be|ing thus come into Scotland, was ioifullie inter|teined of the quéene, the gouernor, and the other no|bilitie; but chiefelie of his wife, whose earnest de|sire to sée him was the occasion of his escape. But as all ioie hath some hard hap for the most part at|tending vpon the same; so this earle did after féele the force of like misfortune. For about seuen yeares after, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hun|dred fiftie and foure, he was againe committed to prison as after shall appeare. Before which, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and fiftie, he with other noble men goeth into France with the quéene mother of Scotland; but before that iournie, whilest he was preparing for the same, he comman|ded William Mackintosch chiefe of the Glenchat|tins to be executed at Stratbolgie, for a priuie con|spiracie made against him, being the kings lieute|nant in the north parts. Which thing raised a great commotion like to haue succéeded to great slaugh|ters (in that the earle of Cassels and manie others fauored Mackintosch) if the wisdome of the quéene mother had not appeased the same.

After that the queene mother had bin in France, she in the same yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and fiftie, returned into Scotland through England: but the earle Huntleie warilie fearing to fall into the dangers of the English (whome he thought would not forget his escape from them, re|turned by sea into his owne countrie: after which, when he had beene about foure yeares in Scotland, the quéene mother regent in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred fiftie and foure, sent this earle Huntleie into Heitland to take Iohn Mudr [...]ad: but returning without him, he was committed to prison in Edenburgh the eleuenth of October: at what time the regent changed all the officers, tooke awaie the great seale from this earle Huntleie the chancellor, and gaue it to monsieur Rubie a French|man, which monsieur Rubie thus made kéeper of the Monsieur Rubie keper of the great seale. great seale in the said yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred fiftie and foure, and the twelfth yeare of Marie queene of Scots, had the vse of the same seale in the place of the earle Huntleie then chancel|lor in ward. But the earle of Huntleie after being set at libertie, it seemeth that he was still chancellor. For besides that Lesleus saith that he was restored to all his dignities (except the earldome of Murreie, whereof he had a gift of inheritance, the earldome of Marre, the farmes of Orkeneie & Heitland, and the queenes land at Straitsdie, all which he gaue for his libertie) he is also by the Scotish histories na|med still chancellor, in the yeare of Christ one thou|sand fiue hundred threescore and one, and the nine|téenth yeare of quéene Marie, being then by the no|bilitie amongst other, chosen to be of the priuie coun|cell. Of whome before this also Lesleus writeth, that in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred fif|tie and nine, the quéene hauing receiued a bill of sup|plication from the protestants: Illa hunc protinus libellum supplicem per Huntleum regni cancella|rium synodo exhibendum, vt de illis definiret, red|didit.

After this, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred thrée score and two, in October being the twentith yeare of the same quéene, he was in the faction betwéene him and others (for diuerse mis|demeanors also, vpon his comming with an armie to Cornethie in Mar) slaine, and Iohn Gordon his sonne taken prisoner, brought to Aberdine the nine and twentith of October, and there beheaded. Now for the other chancellors which followed in succession of time, because they fall yet fresh in memorie, and some mention is made of them in this my continu|ation of these annals; I doo not intend to make anie double recitall of them in that place, being a thing superfluous so to doo; & therefore, & because Omne ni|mium vertitur in vitium (whereto the lawiers agrée saieng, that Frustra fit per plura quod fieri potest per pauciora) I will referre thée for the supplement of this title of the chancellors, to the same continua|tion of my annals, there at thy pleasure to collect and dispose them, as best shall serue thine owne memo|rie or knowledge.

Wherefore leauing them, and returning to the consideration of other things, which following time hath begotten and brought foorth in Scotland: we saie, that as the quéene of England had before time, after the taking of Sterling, sent maister Knolles into Scotland to vnderstand the estate of these times: so in like sort the Scots with like congra|tulation, dispatched a messenger vnto the quéene of England, by whome she might haue knowledge of such things as were after doone. For maister William Keith one of the chamber to the king, was William Keith sent into Eng|land. sent from the king of Scots to the quéene of Eng|land in the same moneth of December, a little be|fore Christmas with letters, who comming to the court then remaining at Gréenewich, did there make deliuerie of the same letters. During whose a|bode here in England, some of those which had be|fore assisted the earles of Angus and Marre, against such as séemed to nourish the king in the Romane religion, fell from their former opinion, & either for loue to the same Romane religion, or for malice to other of the nobilitie, or for a desire to be singular to themselues, imbraced the abolished doctrine of the pope, & set vp the ceremonie of Italie. Amongst The lord Maxwell hea|reth masse. whome, one, not of the meanest, the lord Maxwell, who had maried the earle of Angus his sister, did in Ianuarie aduance the same, and heard masse at Linclouden a mile from Dumfries, contrarie to the publike laws appointed in Scotland. Wherof in|telligence being brought vnto the king, he forthwith dispatched a messenger vnto him, commanding him to surcease the same. But the lord Maxwell persi|sting in that his former action, was (in the end ap|prehended, and vpon the refusall of an oth touching the same, according to the lawes of Scotland) com|mitted to prison in Edenburgh, where he long re|mained.

These things thus doone in Scotland, the afore|named Maister Randolph go|eth into Scot|land. maister Keith departed from London to|wards that countrie, about the foure and twen|tith of Ianuarie, with answer that hir maiestie of England would shortlie send an ambassador into Scotland, who should fullie satisfie the king in all things, and further deliuer vnto him the full of hir maiesties determination. Wherevpon Thomas Randolph esquier, a person who had manie times before executed that function in those countries, and was well acquainted both with the state & maners of the people, was by the quéene of England dis|patched into those parts; who being so authorised, tooke his iourneie from London towards Scotland on the eight daie of Februarie. After which, in Aprill 1586 following, maister Archibald Dowglasse (one that had beene sometime of the session or parlement of Edenburgh) hauing remained some yeares here in England, vpon displeasures which the king of Scots conceiued against him, did make his returne into his owne countrie, where he behaued himselfe so [page 445] wiselie, that he obteined great fauor after his re|turne home. In this yeare, the presbyterie (as they had manie times doone before, but especiallie in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred fourescore and three, which I thought to note in this place, be|cause I would not often vse repetition of one thing doone at seuerall times in so manie places) did ex|communicat their metropolitan the archbishop of S. Andrews, and the rest of the bishops also, because they would not in all their actions, support and con|firme the doctrine which the presbyterie had esta|blished. Which excommunication the presbyterie did the more boldlie, because they were supported by the assistance of the maister of Lindseie, a great eni|mie to this Patrike Adamson bishop of saint An|drews.

But the king in the beginning did assist him a|gainst them, and the archbishop did in like sort thun|der an excommunication against them. Which di|uision not being méete to be in the cleargie, who ought to be (as the apostles were) of one hart, and of one mind, will in the end as Christ saith, bring the same realme to confusion: for Omne regnum in se diuisum desolabitur: which must néedes be, where euerie man will be a lord, & that the inferior of the clergie will neither acknowledge nor obeie anie superiors. In which place, sith I haue menti|oned Patrike Adamson the archbishop of saint An|drews, because I shall not haue occasion to speake anie more of him, I will here set downe a collection of all the archbishops of that sée.