14.8. To the right worshipfull, and with all mine heart entierelie beloued brother, the earle of Salisburie.

To the right worshipfull, and with all mine heart entierelie beloued brother, the earle of Salisburie.

[1] [2] _RIght worshipfull, & with all my hart The copie of a [...]ter. entierelie beloued brother, I recommend me vnto you as heartilie as I can. And like it you to wit, sith I wrote last vnto the king our souereigne lord his highnesse, the Irish enimie, that is to saie Magoghigam, and with him thrée or foure Irish capteins, associat with a great fellowship of English rebels, notwithstanding that they were within the king our souereigne lord his peace, of great malice, and against all truth haue ma|ligned against their legiance, and vengeablie haue brent a great towne of mine inheritance in Meth, called Ramore, and other villages thereabouts, and murthered and brent both men, women, and children, withouten mercie: the which enimies be yet assem|bled in woods and forts, awaighting to doo the hurt and gréeuance to the kings subiects, that they can thinke or imagine. For which cause I write at this time vnto the kings highnesse, and beseech his good grace for to hasten my paiment for this land, accor|ding vnto his letters of warrant now late directed vnto the treasuror of England, to the intent I may wage men in sufficient number for to resist the ma|lice of the same enimies, & punish them in such wise, that other which would doo the same for lacke of resi|stance, in time maie take example. For doubtlesse, but if my paiment be had in all hast, for to haue men of warre in defense and safegard of this land; my power can not stretch to kéepe it in the kings obei|sance: and verie necessitie will compell me to come into England to liue there vpon my poore liuelihood. For I had leauer be dead than anie inconuenience should fall thervnto by my default: for it shall neuer be chronicled nor remaine in scripture (by the grace of God) that Ireland was lost by my negligence. And therefore I beséech you right worshipfull bro|ther, that you will hold to your hands instantlie, that my paiment maie be had at this time in eschew|ing all inconueniences. For I haue example in o|ther places (more pitie it is) for to dread shame, and for to acquit my troth vnto the kings highnesse, as my dutie is. And this I praie and exhort you good bro|ther, to shew vnto his good grace, and that you will be so good, that this language maie be inacted at this present parlement for mine excuse in time to come, and that you will be good to my seruant Roger Ro Roger Ro. the bearer of these, and to my other seruants, in such things as they shall pursue vnto the kings highnes, and to giue full faith and credence vnto the report of the said Roger, touching the said matters. Right worshipfull, and with all my heart intierlie beloued brother, our blessed Lord God preserue and keepe you in all honour, prosperous estate, and felicitie, & grant you right good life and long.

Your faithfull true brother Richard Yorke.