[1] _DUblin the beautie and eie of Ireland, hath béene named Dublinum. by Ptolome, in ancient time, Eblana. Some terme it Du|blina, others Dublinia, ma|nie write it Dublinum, au|thors of better skill name it Dublinium. The Irish call it, Ballée er Cleagh, that is, a towne planted vp|on hurdels. For the common opinion is, that the plot vpon which the ciuitie is builded, hath béene a marish ground; and for that by the art or inuention of the first founder, the water could not be voided, he was forced to fasten the quakemire with hurdels, and vpon them to build the citie. I heard of some that came of building of houses to this foundation: and other hold opinion that if a cart or waine run with a round and maine pase through a stréet called the high stréet, the houses on ech side shall he percei|ued to shake. This citie was builded, or rather the buildings thereof inlarged, about the yeare of our Dublin builded. Lord 155. For about this time there arriued in I|reland thrée noble Easterlings that were brethren, Auellanus, Sitaracus, and Yuorus. Auellanus be|ing Auellanus the founder of Dublin. the eldest brother builded Dublin, Sitaracus Waterford, and Yuorus Limerike. Of the foun|der Auellanus, Dublin was named Auellana, and after by corruption of speach Eblana. This citie, as Auellana. Eblana. it is not in antiquitie inferiour to anie citie in Ire|land, so in pleasant situation, in gorgious buildings, in the multitude of people, in martiall chiualrie, in obedience and loialtie, in the abundance of wealth, in largenesse of hospitalite, in maners and ciuilitie it is superiour to all other cities and townes in that realme. And therefore it is commonlie called the I|rish or yoong London. The seat of this citie is of all Dublin the Irish Lon|don. The situation of Dublin. sides pleasant, comfortable, and wholesome. If you would trauerse hils, they are not far off. If champi|on ground, it lieth of all parts. If you be delited with fresh water, the famous riuer called the Liffie, na|med The Liffie. of Ptolome Lybnium, runneth fast by. If you will take the view of the sea, it is at hand. The on|lie fault of this citie is, that it is lesse frequented of merchant estrangers, bicause of the bare hauen. Their charter is large, King Henrie the fourth gaue The sword giuen to Du|blin. Shiriffes of Dublin 1547. this citie the sword, in the yeare of our Lord 1409, and was ruled by a maior and two bailiffes, which were changed into shiriffes by a charter granted by Edward the sixt, in the yeare of our Lord 1547. In which yeare Iohn Rians and Robert Ians, two worshipfull gentlemen, were collegues in that of|fice, & thereof they are named the last bailiffes & first shiriffes that haue beene in Dublin. It appeereth by the ancient seale of this citie, called Signum praepositu|rae, Dublin go|uerned by [...] prouest. that this citie hath beene in old time gouerned by a prouost.
[1] The hospitalitie of the maior and the shiriffes for The hospita|litie of the maior and shiriffes. the yeare being, is so large and bountifull, that sooth|lie (London forepriced) verie few such officers vnder the crowne of England kéepe so great a port, none I am sure greater. The maior, ouer the number of officers that take their dailie repast at his table, kee|peth for his yeare in maner open house. And albeit in tearme time his house is frequented as well of the nobilitie as of other potentats of great calling: yet his ordinarie is so good, that a verie few set feasts are prouided for them. They that spend least in their maioraltie (as those of credit, yea and such as bars the office haue informed me) make an ordinarie ac|count of fiue hundred pounds for their viand and di|et that yeare: which is no small summe to be be|stowed in houskéeping, namelie where vittels are so good cheape, and the presents of friends diuerse and sundrie.
There hath beene of late yeares a worshipfull gen|tleman, 1551 Patrike Scarsefield his hospita|litie. named Patrike Scarsefield, that bare the office of the maioraltie in Dublin, who kept so great port in this yeare, as his hospitalitie to his fame and renowme resteth as yet in fresh memorie. One of his especiall and entire friends entring in commu|nication with the gentleman, his yeare being well neere expired, mooued question, to what he thought his expenses all that yeare amounted? Trulie Iames (so his friend was named) quoth maister Scarsefield, I take betwéene me and God, when I entered into mine office, the last saint Hierome his The maior o [...] Dublin when he is sworne. daie (which is the morrow of Michaelmasse, on which daie the maior taketh his oth before the chiefe baron, at the excheker within the castell of Dublin) I had thrée barnes well stored and thwackt with corne, and I assured my selfe, that anie one of these thrée had bene sufficient to haue stored mine house with bread, ale, and béere for this yeare. And now God and good companie be thanked, I stand in doubt, whether I shall rub out my maioraltie with my third barne, which is well nigh with my yeare ended. And yet no|thing smiteth me so much at the heart, as that the knot of good fellowes that you sée here (he ment the sergeants and officers) are readie to flit from me, and make their next yeares abode with the next maior.
And certes I am so much wedded to good fellow|ship, as if I could mainteine mine house to my con|tentation, with defraieng of fiue hundred pounds yearelie; I would make humble sute to the citizens, [page 21] to be their officer these thrée yeares to come. Ouer this, he did at the same time protest with oth, that he spent that yeare in housekéeping twentie tuns of claret wine, ouer and aboue white wine, sacke, mal|meseie, muscadell, &c. And in verie deed it was not to be maruelled: for during his maioraltie, his house was so open, as commonly from fiue of the clocke in the morning, to ten at night, his butterie and cellars were with one crew or other frequented. To the haunting of which, ghests were the sooner allured, for that you should neuer marke him or his bedfellow (such was their buxomnesse) once frowne or wrin|kle their foreheads, or bend their browes, or glowme their countenances, or make a sowre face at anie ghest, were he neuer so meane. But their intertein|ment was so notable, as they would sauce their bountifull & deintie faire with heartie and amiable chéere. His porter or anie other officer durst not for both his eares giue the simplest man that resorted to his house Tom drum his interteinment, which is, to Tom drum his intertein|ment. hale a man in by the head, and thrust him out by both the shoulders. For he was fullie resolued, that his worship and reputation could not be more distained, than by the currish interteinment of anie ghest. To be briefe (according to the golden verses of the an|cient and famous English poet Geffreie Chaucer:
Some of his friends, that were s [...]udging penie|fathers, would take him vp verie roughlie for his lauishing & his outragious expenses, as they tearme it. Tush my maisters (would he saie) take not the matter so hot: who so commeth to my table, and hath no néed of my meat, I know he commeth for the good will he beareth me; and therefore I am be|holding to thanke him for his companie: if he resort for néed, how maie I bestow my goods better, than in reléening the poore? If you had perceiued me so far behind hand, as that I had bene like to haue brought haddocke to paddocke, I would patientlie permit you, both largelie to controll me, and friendlie to re|proue me. But so long as I cut so large thongs of mine owne leather, as that I am not yet come to my buckle, and during the time I kéepe my selfe so farre aflote, as that I haue as much water as my ship draweth: I praie pardon me to be liberall in spending, sith God of his goodnesse is gratious in sending.
[1] [2] And in déed so it fell out. For at the end of his maioraltie he owght no man a dotkin. What he dis|pended was his owne: and euer after during his life, he kept so woorthie a standing house, as that hée séemed to surrender the princes sword to other ma|iors, and reserued the port & hospitalitie to himselfe. Not long before him was Nicholas Stanihurst their maior, who was so great and good an houshol|der, Nicholas Stanihurst. that during his maioraltie, the lord chancellor of the realme was his dailie and ordinarie ghest. There hath beene of late worshipfull ports kept by maister Fian, who was twise maior, maister Sedgraue, Thomas Fitz Simons, Robert Cusacke, Walter Cusacke, Nicholas Fitz Simons, Iames Bedlow, Christopher Fagan, and diuerse others. And not one|lie The hospita|litis of Dub|lin. their officers so farre excell in hospitalitie, but al|so the greater part of the ciuitie is generallie addic|ted to such ordinarie and standing houses, as it would make a man muse which waie they are able to beare it out, but onelie by the goodnesse of God, which is the vpholder and furtherer of hospitalitie. What should I here speake of their charitable almes, dailie and hourelie extended to the néedie? The poore prisoners both of the Newgate and the castell, with three or foure hospitals, are chieflie, if not onelie, relieued by the citizens.
[1] Furthermore, there are so manie other extraor|dinarie beggers that dailie swarme there, so chari|tablie succored, as that they make the whole ciuitie in effect their hospitall. The great expenses of the citi|zens maie probablie be gathered by the woorthie and fairlike markets, weeklie on wednesdaie and fridaie kept in Dublin. Their shambles is so well stored with meat, and their market with corne, as not onelie in The shambles and markets at Dublin. Ireland, but also in other countries you shall not sée anie one shambles, or anie one market better furni|shed with the one or the other, than Dublin is. The citizens haue from time to time in sundrie conflicts so galled the Irish, that euen to this daie, the Irish feare a ragged and fagged blacke standard that the The blacke standard. citizens haue, almost through tract of time worne to the hard stumps. This standard they carrie with them in hostings, being neuer displaied but when they are readie to enter into battell, and come to the shocke. The sight of which danteth the Irish aboue measure.
[1] And for the better training of their youth in mar|tiall The musters of Dublin. exploits, the citizens vse to muster foure times by the yeare: on Blacke mondaie, which is the mor|row of Easterdaie, on Maiedaie, saint Iohn Bap|tist his eeue, and saint Peter his eeue. Whereof two are ascribed to the maior & shiriffes: the other two, to wit, the musters on Maie daie and saint Peter his éeue, are assigned to the maior and shiriffes of the Bull ring. The maior of the Bull ring is an office e|lected The maior of the Bull ring by the citizens, to be as it were capteine or gar|dian of the batchelers and the vnwedded youth of the ciuitie. And for the yeare he hath authoritie to chastise and punish such as frequent brothelhouses, and the like vnchast places. He is tearmed the maior of the Bull ring, of an iron ring that sticketh in the corne|market, to which the bulles that are yearelie bated be vsuallie tied: which ring is had by him and his companie in so great price, as if anie citizen batchel|ler hap to marrie, the maior of the Bull ring and his crue conduct the bridegroome vpon his returne from church, to the market place, and there with a solemne kisse for his Vltimum vale, he dooth homage vnto the Bull ring.
[1] [2] The Blacke mondaie muster sproong of this oc|casion. The blacke mondaie. Soone after Ireland was conquered by the Britons, & the greater part of Leinster pacified, di|uerse townesmen of Bristow flitted from thense to Dublin inha|bited by the Bristollians. This was a|bout the yeare of our Lord 1209. Dublin, and in short space the ciuitie was by them so well inhabited, as it grew to bée verie populous. Wherevpon the citizens hauing ouer great affiance in the multitude of the people, and so consequentlie being somewhat retchlesse in héeding the mounteine enimie that lurked vnder their noses, were woont to rome and roile in clusters, sometime thrée or foure miles from the towne. The Irish enimie spieng that the citizens were accustomed to fetch such od vaga|ries, especiallie on the holie daies, & hauing an ink|ling withall by some false clatterfert or other, that a companie of them would haue ranged abrode, on mondaie in the Easter weeke towards the wood of Cullen, which is distant two miles from Dublin, they laie in staie verie well appointed, and laid in sun|drie places for their comming. The citizens rather minding the pleasure they should presentlie inioy, [page 22] than forecasting the hurt that might insue, flockt vn|armed out of the ciuitie to the wood, where being in|tercepted by them that laie hoouing in ambush, they were to the number of fiue hundred miserablie slaine. Wherevpon the remnant of the citizens dee|ming that vnluckie time to be a crosse or a dismall daie, gaue it the appellation of Blacke mondaie.
[1] [2] [3] The citie soone after being peopled by a fresh sup|plie of Bristollians, to dare the Irish enimie, agréed to banket yearelie in that place, which to this daie is obserued. For the maior and the shiriffs with the citi|zens repaire to the wood of Cullen, in which place the maior bestoweth a costlie dinner within a mote or a rundell, and both the shiriffs within another: where they are so well garded with the youth of the ciuitie, as the mounteine enimie dareth not attempt to snatch as much as a pastie crust from thense. Dublin hath at this daie within the citie and in the suburbs these churches that insue, of which the greater num|ber The churches of Dublin. are parioch churches, onelie Christs church with a few oratories and chappels excepted. Christs church, otherwise named Ecclesia sanctaetrinitatis, a cathedrall Christs church. church, the ancientest that I can find recorded of all the churches now standing in Dublin. I take it to haue beene builded, if not in Auellanus his time, yet soone after by the Danes. The building of which was both repared & inlarged by Critius prince of Dub|lin, at the earnest request of Donat the bishop, and soone after the conquest it hath béene much beautified by Robert Fitz Stephans and Strangbow the erle of Penbroke, who with his sonne is in the bodie of the church intoomed. The chappell that standeth in the chore, commonlie called the new chappell, was buil|ded by Gerald Fitz Thomas earle of Kildare, in the yeare of our Lord 1510, where he is intoomed.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Saint Patrikes church, a cathedrall church, in|dued with notable liuings, and diuerse fat benefi|ces. It hath a chappell at the north doore which is cal|led the paroch church. This church was founded by the famous and woorthie prelate Iohn Commin, a|bout the yeare of our Lord 1197. This foundation The contro|uersie be|tweene Christ church and saint Patriks church. was greatlie aduanced by the liberalitie of king Iohn. There hath risen a great contention betwixt this church and Christes church for antiquitie, where|in doubtlesse S. Patrike his church ought to giue place, vnlesse they haue further matter to shew, and better reasons to build vpon than their foundations, in which this church by manie yeares is inferror to the other. Saint Nicholas, Saint Michaell, Saint Uerberesse, or Saint Uarburgh, so called of a Chef|shire virgine. The citizens of Chester founded this church, with two chappels thereto annexed; the one called our ladies chappell, the other S. Martins chap|pell. Hir feast is kept the third of Februarie. This church with a great part of the citie was burned in the yeare 1301: but againe by the parochians reedified. Saint Iohn the euangelist, Saint Au|deon, which is corruptlie called Saint Ouen, or Owen. His feast is solemnized the fourtéenth of August. The paroch of this church is accounted the best in Dublin, for that the greater number of the aldermen and the worships of the citie are demur|rant within that paroch.
[1] Saint Tullocke now prophaned. In this church in old time, the familie of the Fitz Simons was for Fitz Si|mons. the more part buried. The paroch was meared from the Crane castell, to the fish shambles, called the Cockhill, with Preston his innes, & the lane thereto adioining, which scope is now vnited to Saint Iohn his paroch. S. Katharine, S. Michan or Mighan, S. Iames his faire. Saint Iames; his feast is celebrated the fiue and twentith of Iulie, on which daie in ancient time was there a woorthie faire kept at Dublin, continuing sir daies, vnto which resorted diuers merchants, as well from England, as from France and F [...]|ders. And they afforded their wares so dogcheape, in respect of the citie merchants, that the countrie was yeare by yeare sufficientlie stored by strangers: and the citie merchants not vttering their wares, but to such as had not readie chinkes, and there vpon forced to run on the score, were verie much impoue|rished. Wherefore partlie thorough the canuasing of the towne merchants, and partlie by the winking of the rest of the citizens, being woon vpon manie gaie glosed promises, by plaieng b [...]péepe to beare themselues ouerlie in the matter, that famous mart was supprest, and all forren saile wholie abandoned. Yet for a memoriall of this notable faire, a few cot|tages, booths, and alepoles are pitched at Saint Iames his gate. Saint Michaell of Poules, aliâs Paules, Saint Brigide, Saint Keuin, Saint Pe|ter Demonte, or vpon the hill, appendant to Saint Patrikes church. Saint Stephan; this was erec|ted for an hospitall for poore, lame, and impotent la|zers, where they abide to this daie, although not in such chast and sincere wise, as the founders will was vpon the erection thereof. The maior with his bre|thren on Saint Stephan his daie (which is one of their station daies) repaireth thither, and there dooth offer. Saint Andrew now prophaned.
[1] Both the gates neere the White friers, Saint Ke|uen The [...] of the gates of the citie and suburbs of Dublin. his gate, Hogs gate, Dammes gate, Poule gate, aliâs Paules gate, Newgate, a goale or pri|son, Wine tauerne gate, Saint Audeon his gate, hard by the church going downe towards the Corke|stréet. The reason why this gate, and the Wine ta|uerne gate were builded, procéeded of this. In the yeare 1315, Edward Bruise a Scot, & brother to Robert Bruise king of Scots arriued in the north of Ireland. From whence he marched on forwards with his armie, vntill he came as far as Castle|knocke. The citizens of Dublin being sore amazed at the sudden & Scarborough approch of so puissant an enimie, burned all the houses in Saint Thomas his stréet, least he should vpon his repaire to Dub|lin haue ante succour in the suburbs. The maior (named Robert Notingham) and communaltie be|ing in this distresse, razed downe an abbete of the frier preachers, called Saint Sauiour his monaste|rie, and brought the stones thereof to these places, where the gates now stand; and all along that waie did cast a wall for the better fortifieng of the cruitie, mistrusting that the wals that went along both the keies, should not haue béene of sufficient force to outhold the enimie. The Scots hauing intelligence of the fortifieng of Dublin, and reckoning it a folie to laie siege to so impregnable a ciuitie, marched to|ward a place not far from Dublin, called the Sal|mon leape, where pitching their tents for foure daies, they remooued towards the Naas. But [...]ert the ciuitie was past this danger, king Edward the second gaue strict commandement to the citizens to build the abbeie they razed; saieng, that although lawes were squarted in warre, yet notwithstanding they ought to be reuiued in peace. Gurmund his gate, hard by the Cucull, or Coockolds post. Some suppose, that one Gurmundus builded this gate, and thereof to take the name. Others iudge, that the Irish assaulting the ciuitie, were discomfited by the earle of Ormond, then by good hap soiourning at Dublin. And because he issued out at that gate, to the end the valiant exploit and famous conquest of so woorthie a potentate should be ingrailed in per|petuall memorie, the gate bare the name of Or|mond his gate. The bridge gate, Saint Nicholas his gate, Saint Patrike his gate, Bungan his gate, the Newstreet gate, Saint Thomas his gate, Saint Iames his gate.
[1] [page 23] The Dam [...]es stréet, the Castle street, stretching to the pillorie, Saint Uerberosses stréet, Saint Iohn The names of the stréets, bridge [...], lanes and other no|torious places in Dublin. his stréet, aliâs fish shamble street, Skinners rew rea|ching from the pillorie to the tolehall, or to the high crosse. The High street bearing to the high pipe. This pipe was builded in the yeare 1308, by a Iohn Decer. woorthis citizen named Iohn Decer, being then maior of Dublin. He builded not long before that time the bridge hard by Saint Woolstans, that rea|cheth ouer the Liffie. The Newgate stréet, from the Newgate to Saint Audoen his church. Saint Nicholas his stréet, the Wine tauerne street, the Cooke street, the Bridge stréet. This stréet with the greater part of the keie was burnt in the yeare 1304. The Woodkeie, the Merchant keie, Osmon|towne, so called of certeine Easterlings or Nor|mans, properlie the Danes that were called Ost|manni, Ostmanni. They planted themselues hard by the wa|ter side neere Dublin, and discomfited at Clontarfe in a skirmish diuerse of the Irish. The names of the Irish capteins slaine were Brian Borrough, 1050 Miagh macke Bren, Tadie Okellie, Dolin Ahertegan, Gille Barramede. These were I|rish potentates, and before their discomfiture they ruled the rost. They were interred at Kilmai|nanne ouer against the great crosse. There arriued a fresh supplie of Easterlings at Dublin in the yeare 1095. and setled themselues on the other side of the ciuitie, which of them to this daie is called Ost|mantowne, 1095 Ostman|towne, why so called. that is, the towne of the Ostmannes, whereof there ariseth great likelihood to haue béene a separat towne from the citie, being parted from Dublin by the Liffie, as Southworke is seuered from London by Thames. Saint Thomas his street; this street was burnt by mishap in the yeare 1343. The New buildings, the New stréet, Saint Francis his stréet, the Kowme, Saint Patrike his street, the backeside of Saint Sepulchres, Saint Ke|uen his street, the Poule, or Paulmilstréet, Saint Brigids stréet, the Shéepe street, aliâs the Ship stréet. For diuerse are of opinion, that the sea had passage that waie, and thereof to be called the Ship stréet.
[1] This as it séemesh not wholie impossible, con|sidering that the sea floweth and ebbeth hard by it: so it carieth a more colour of truth with it, because there haue béene found there certeine iron rings fastned to the towne wall, to hold and graple botes withall. Saint Uerberosses lane, vp to Saint Nicholas his stréet, now inclose [...], Saint Michaell his lane, be|ginning The lanes. at Saint Michaell his pipe, Christchurch lane, Saint Iohn his lane, Ram lane, aliâs the Schoolehouse lane, Saint Audoen his lane, Kesers lane. This lane is stéepe & slipperie, in which other| [...]iles, they that make more hast, than good spéed, clinke their bums to the stones. And therefore the ruder sort, whether it be through corruption of spéech, or for that they giue it a nickename, commonlie terme it, not so homelie, as trulie, Kisse arsse lane. Rochell lane, aliâs Backelane, on the southside of the flesh shambles, the Cookestréet lane, Frapper lane, Giglottes hill, Marie lane, Saint Tullocke his lane, Scarlet lane, aliâs Isouds lane, Saint Pul|chers lane, Saint Kenin his lane, the White friers lane, Saint Stephan his lane, Hogs lane, the Sea lane, Saint George his lane, where in old time were builded diuerse old and ancient monuments. And as an insearcher of antiquities may (by the view there to be taken) coniecture, the better part of the suburbs of Dublin should séeme to haue stret|ched that waie. But the inhabitants being dailie and hourelie molested and preided by their prolling mounteine neighbors, were forced to suffer their buildings fall in decaie, and embaied themselues wi [...] in the citie wals.
[1] [2] Among other monuments, there is a place in The old Es|cacar. that lane called now Collets innes, which in old time was the Escacar or E [...]cheker. Which should implie that the princes court would not haue béene kept there, vnlesse the place had béene taken to be cocksure. But in fine it fell out contrarie. For the baron sitting there solemnlie, and as it seemed, retch|les [...]ie: the Irish espieng the oportunitie, rushed into the court in plumps, where surprising the vnweapo|ned multitude, they committed horrible slaughters by sparing none that came vnder their dint; and with|all, as far as their Scarborough leasure could serue them, they ransacke the prince his the saure, vpon which mishap the excheker was from thense remoo|ued. S. George his chappell. There hath beene also in that lane a chappell de|dicated to saint George, likelie to haue béene foun|ded by some worthie knight of the garter. The mai|or with his brethren was accustomed with great tri|umphs and pageants yéerelie on saint George his feast to repaire to that chappell, and there to offer. This chappell hath beene of late razed, and the stones therof by consent of the assemblie turned to a com|mon ouen, conuerting the ancient monument of a doutie, aduenturous, and holie knight, to the cole|rake The bridges. swéeping of a pufloafe baker. The great bridge going to Ostmantowne, saint Nicholas his bridge, the Poule gate bridge, repared by Nicholas Stani|hurst about the yeere one thousand fiue hundred for|tie 1544. & foure, the Castell bridge, S. Iames his bridge.
[1] The castell of Dublin was builded by Henrie The castell. Loundres (sometime archbishop of Dublin, and lord iustice of Ireland) about the yéere of our Lord one thousand two hundred and twentie. This castell 1220. hath beside the gate house foure goodlie and substan|tiall towers, of which one of them is named Ber|mingham Bermingham his tower. his tower, whether it were that one of the Berminghams did inlarge the building thereof, or else that he was long in duresse in that tower. This 1566. castell hath béene of late much beautified with sun|drie and gorgious buildings in the time of sir Hen|rie Sidneie, sometimes lord deputie of Ireland. In the commendation of which buildings an especi|all welwiller of his lordships penned these verses:
[1] There standeth neere the castell ouer against a void roome called Preston his [...]nnes, a tower named Isouds tower. It tooke the name of la Beale Isoud, Isouds to|wer. daughter to Anguish king of Ireland. It séemeth to haue béene a castle of pleasure for the kings to recre|at themselues therein. Which was not vnlike, con|sidering that a meaner tower might serue such single soule kings as were at those daies in Ireland. There is a village hard by Dublin, called of the said la Chappell Isoud. Beale, chappell Isoud.
[1] Saint Pulchers, the archbishop of Dublin his Saint Pulchers. house, as well pleasantlie sited, as gorgeouslie buil|ded. Some hold opinion, that the beautifuller part of this house was of set purpose fired by an archbishop, to the end the gouernors (which for the more part laie there) should not haue so goodliking to the house: not far disagréeing from the policie that I heard a noble [page 24] man tell he vsed, who hauing a surpassing good horse, and such a one as ouer ran in a set race other choise horses, did bobtaile him vpon his returne to the sta|ble, least anie of his fréends casting a fantasie to the beast, should craue him. The noble man being so bountifullie giuen, as that of liberalitie he could not, & of discretion he would séeme to giue his fréend the repulse in a more weightie request than that were.
[1] [2] Saint Stephans gréene, Hegging gréene, the The names of the fields adioining to Dublin. Scald|brother. Steine, Ostmantowne gréene. In the further end of this field is there a hole commonlie termed Scald brothers hole, a labyrinth reaching two large miles vnder the earth. This hole was in old time frequen|ted by a notorious théefe named Scaldbrother, wherein he would hide all the bag and baggage that he could pilfer. The varlet was so swift on foot, as he hath estsoones outrun the swiffest and lustiest yoong men in all Ostmantowne, maugre their heads, bea|ring a pot or a pan of theirs on his shoulders to his den. And now and then, in derision of such as pur|sued him, he would take his course vnder the gal|lows, which standeth verie nigh his caue (a fit signe for such an inne) and so being shrowded within his lodge, he reckoned himselfe cocksure, none being found at that time so hardie as would aduenture to intangle himselfe within so intricat a maze. But as the pitcher that goeth often to the water, commeth at length home broken: so this lustie youth would not surcease from open catching, forcible snatching, and priuie prolling, till time he was by certeine gaping groomes that laie in wait for him, intercepted, flée|ing toward his couch, hauing vpon his apprehension no more wrong doone him, than that he was not soo|ner hanged on that gallowes, through which in his Scaldbrother executed. youth and iolitie he was woont to run. There stan|deth in Ostmantowne gréene an hillocke, named little Iohn his shot. The occasion proceeded of this. Litle Iohn.
[1] In the yéere one thousand one hundred foure score 1189. and nine, there ranged three robbers and outlaws in England, among which Robert Hood and little Iohn were cheefeteins, of all theeues doubtlesse the most courteous. Robert Hood being betraied at a nunrie in Scotland called Bricklies, the remnant of the Robert Hood. crue was scattered, and euerie man forced to shift for himselfe. Wherevpon little Iohn was faine to flée the realme by sailing into Ireland, where he so|iornied for a few daies at Dublin. The citizens be|ing doone to vnderstand the wandering outcast to be an excellent archer, requested him hartilie to trie how far he could shoot at randon: who yéelding to their behest, stood on the bridge of Dublin, and shot to that mole hill, leauing behind him a monument, ra|ther by his posteritie to be woondered, than possiblie by anie man liuing to be counterscored. But as the repaire of so notorious a champion to anie countrie would soone be published, so his abode could not be long concealed: and therefore to eschew the danger of lawes, he fled into Scotland, where he died at a towne or village called Morauie. Gerardus Mer| [...]ator Little Iohn deceased. in his cosmographie affirmeth, that in the same towne the bones of an huge and mightie man are kept, which was called little Iohn, among which bones, the hucklebone or hipbone was of such large|nesse, as witnesseth Hector Boetius, that he thrust his arme through the hole thereof. And the same bone being suted to the other parts of his bodie, did argue the man to haue béene fourteene foot long, which was a pretie length for a little Iohn. Whereby appeereth that he was called little Iohn ironicallie, like as we terme him an honest man whom we take for a knaue in graine.
[1] Neere to the citie of Dublin are the foure ancient manors annexed to the crowne, which are named The king his land. to this daie, the Kings land; to wit, Newcastell, Massaggard, Eschire, and Crumlin. The manor of Crumlin Crumlm paieth a greater chéefe rent to the prince than anie of the other thrée, which procéeded of this. The seneschall being offended with the tenants for their misdemeanor, tooke them vp verie sharplie in the court, and with rough and minatorie spéeches be|gan to menace them. The lobbish and desperat clob|beriousnesse, taking the matter in dudgeon, made no more words, but knockt their seneschall on the co|stard, and left him there spralling on the ground for dead. For which detestable murther their rent was inhansed, and they paie at this daie nine pence an acre, which is double to anie of the other thrée ma|nors.
[1] Waterford was founded by Sitaracus (as is Waterford. aforesaid) in the yeere one hundred fiftie and fiue. Ptolome nameth it Manapia, but whie he appropria|teth Manapia that name to this citie, neither dooth he declare, nor I ghesse. This citie is properlie builded, and verie well compact, somewhat close by reason of their thicke buildings and narrow stréets. The hauen is passing good, by which the citizens through the inter|course of forren traffike in short space atteine to a|bundance of wealth. The soile about it is not all of the best, by reason of which the aire is not verie sub|till, yea nathelesse the sharpnesse of their wittes sée|meth to be nothing rebated or duld by reason of the grossenesse of the aire. For in good sooth the townes|men, and namelie students are pregnant in concei|uing, quicke in taking, and sure in kéeping. The citizens are verie héedie and warie in all their pub|like affaires, slow in the determining of matters of weight, louing to looke yer they leape. In choosing their magistrate, they respect not onlie his riches, but also they weigh his experience. And therefore they elect for their maior neither a rich man that is yoong, nor an old man that is poore. They are chéerfull in the interteinment of strangers, hartle one to another, nothing giuen to factions. They loue no idle bench|whistlers, nor luskish faitors: for yoong and old are wholie addicted to thriuing, the men commonlie to traffike, the women to spinning and carding. As they distill the best Aqua vitae, so they spin the choisest rug in Ireland. A fréend of mine being of late de|murrant in London, and the weather by reason of an hard hoare frost being somwhat nipping, repaired to Paris garden, clad in one of these Waterford rugs. The mastifs had no sooner espied him, but dée|ming he had béene a beare, would faine haue baited him. And were it not that the dogs were partlie muz|led, and partlie chained, he doubted not, but that he should haue béene well tugd in this Irish rug; where|vpon he solemnlie vowed neuer to see beare baiting in anie such wéed. The citie of Waterford hath con|tinued to the crowne of England so loiall, that it is not found registred since the conquest to haue béene distained with the smallest spot, or dusked with the least freckle of treason; notwithstanding the sundrie assaults of traitorous attempts: and therefore the ci|ties armes are deckt with this golden word, Intacta The posie of Waterford. manet: a posie as well to be hartilie followed, as greatlie admired of all true and loiall townes.
[1] Limerike called in Latine Limericum was buil|ded Limerike. by Yuorus, as is before mentioned, about the yéere one hundred fiftie and fiue. This citie coasteth Sennan the riuer of Li|merike. on the sea hard vpon the riuer Sennan, whereby are most notablie seuered Mounster and Connaght: the Irish name this citie Loumneagh, and thereof in English it is named Limerike. The towne is Limerike whie so called. planted in an Iland, which plot in old time, before the building of the citie was stored with grasse. During which time it happened, that one of the Irish po|tentates, raising warre against another of his peers, [page 25] incamped in that Ile, hauing so great a troope of horssemen, as the horsses eate vp the grasse in foure and twentie houres. Wherevpon for the notorious number of horses, the place is called Loum ne augh; that is, the horse bare, or a place made bare or eaten vp by horses. The verie maine sea is thrée score miles distant from the towne, and yet the riuer is so nauigable, as a ship of two hundred tuns may saile to the keie of the citie. The riuer is termed in Irish Shaune amne, that is, the old riuer; for shaune is old, & amne is a riuer, deducted of the Latine word Amnis. The building of Limerike is sumptuous and substantiall.
[1] [2] Corke, in Latine Coracium, or Corracium, the fourth citie of Ireland happilie planted on the sea. Their ha|uen Corke. is an hauen roiall. On the land side they are in|combred with euill neighbors, the Irish outlaws, that they are faine to watch their gates hourlie, to kéepe them shut at seruice times, at meales from sun to sun, nor suffer anie stranger to enter the citie with his weapon, but the same to leaue at a lodge appoin|ted. They walke out at seasons for recreation with power of men furnished. They trust not the coun|trie adioining, but match in wedlocke among them|selues onelie, so that the whole citie is welnigh lin|ked one to the other in affinitie. Drogheda, accoun|ted the best towne in Ireland, and trulie not far be|hind Drogheda. some of their cities. The one moitie of this towne is in Meth, the other planted on the further side of the water lieth in Ulster. There runneth a blind prophesie on this towne, that Rosse was, Du|blin is, Drogheda shall be the best of the three.
[1] Rosse, an hauen towne in Mounster not far from Waterford, which séemeth to haue béene in ancient Rosse. time a towne of great port. Whereof sundrie & pro|bable coniectures are giuen, as well by the old dit|ches that are now a mile distant from the wals of Rosse, betweene which wals and ditches the reliks of the ancient wals, gates, and towers, placed be|tweene both are yet to be seene. The towne is buil|ded in a barren soile, and planted among a crue of naughtie and prolling neighbours. And in old time when it florished, albeit the towne were sufficientlie peopled, yet as long as it was not compassed with wals, they were formed with watch & ward, to keepe it from the gréedie snatching of the Irish enimies. With whome as they were generallie molested, so the priuat cousening of one pezzant on a sudden, in|censed them to inuiron their towne with strong and substantiall wals. There repaired one of the Irish to this towne on horssebacke, & espieng a peece of cloth on a merchants stall, tooke hold thereof, and bet the cloth to the lowest price he could. As the merchant and he stood dodging one with the other in cheaping the ware, the horsseman considering that he was well mounted, and that the merchant and he had growne to a price, made wise as though he would haue drawne to his purse, to haue defraied the mo|nie. The cloth in the meane while being tucked vp and placed before him, he gaue the spur to his horsse and ran awaie with the cloth, being not imbard from his posting pase, by reason the towne was not per|closed either with ditch or wall. The townesmen be|ing piched at the heart, that one rascall in such scornefull wise should giue them the slampaine, not so much weieng the slendernesse of the losse, as the shamefulnesse of the foile, they put their heads togi|ther, consulting how to preuent either the sudden ru|shing, or the post hast flieng of anie such aduenturous rakeheil hereafter.
[1] [2] In which consultation a famous Dido, a chast wi|dow, Ro [...]e, of Rosse. a politike dame, a bountifull gentlewoman, called Rose, who representing in sinceritie of life the swéetnesse of that hearbe whose name she bare, vn|folded the deuise, how anie such future mischance should be preuented: and withall opened hir coffers liberallie, to haue it furthered: two good properties in a councellor. Hir deuise was, that the towne should incontinentlie be inclosed with wals, & there|withall promised to discharge the charges, so that they would not sticke to find out labourers. The de|uise of this worthie matrone being wise, and the of|fer liberall, the townesmen agreed to follow the one, and to put their helping hands to the atchiuing of the other. The worke was begun, which thorough the multitude of hands séemed light. For the whole towne was assembled, tag and rag, cut and long taile: none exempted, but such as were bedred and impotent. Some were tasked to delue, others ap|pointed with mattocks to dig, diuerse allotted to the vnheaping of rubbish, manie bestowed to the ca|riage of stones, sundrie occupied in tempering of morter, the better sort busied in ouerséeing the work|men, ech one according to his vocation imploied, as though the ciuitie of Carthage were afresh in buil|ding, as it is featlie verified by the golden poet Vir|gil, and neatlie Englished by master doctor Phaer.
[1] But to returne from Dido of Carthage, to Rose of Rosse, and hir worke. The labourers were so ma|nie, the worke, by reason of round and excheker pai|ment, so well applied, the quarrie of faire marble so néere at hand (for they affirme, that out of the tren|ches and ditches hard by their rampiers, the stones were had: and all that plot is so stonie, that the foun|dation is an hard rocke) that these wals with diuerse braue turrets were suddenlie mounted, and in man|ner sooner finished, than to the Irish enimies noti|fied: which I wisse was no small corsie to them. These wals in circuit are equall to London wals. It hath three gorgeous gates, Bishop his gate, on the east side: Algate, on the east southeast side: and South|gate, on the south part. This towne was no more fa|moused for these wals, than for a notable woodden bridge that stretched from the towne vnto the other side of the water, which must haue béene by reasona|ble surueie twelue score, if not more. Diuerse of the poales, logs, and stakes, with which the bridge was vnderpropt, sticke to this daie in the water. A man [page 26] would hére suppose, that so flourishing a towne, so firmelie builded, so substantiallie walied, so well peo|pled, so plentiouslie with thrifstie artificers stored, would not haue fallen to anie sudden decaie.
[1] But as the secret and deepe iudgements of God [...]. are veiled within the couerture of his diuine maie|st [...], so it standeth not with the dulnesse of man his wit, to beat his braines in the curious insearching of hidden mysteries. Wherefore I, as an historian vndertaking in this treatise, rather plainelie to de|clare what was doone, than rashlie to inquire why it should be doone: purpose, by God his assistance, to accomplish, as neere as I can, my dutie in the one, leauing the other to the friuolous deciding of busie heads. This Rose, who was the foundresse of these former rehearsed wals, had issue thrée sonnes (how|beit some hold opinion, that they were but hir ne|phues) who being bolstered out thorough the wealth of their moother, and supported by their traffike, made diuerse prosperous voiages into forren countries. But as one of the thrée chapmen was imploied in his traffike abroad, so the prettie peplet his wife be|gan to be a fresh occupieng giglot at home, and by re|port fell so farre acquainted with a religious cloiste|rer of the towne, as that he gat within the lining of hir smocke. Both the parties wallowing ouer|long in the stinking puddle of adulterie, suspicion be|gan to créepe in some townesmens brains: and to b [...] briefe, it came so farre. thorough the iust iudge|ment of God, to light, whether it were that she was with child in hir husband his absence, or that hir lo|uer vsed hir fondlie in open presence, as the presump|tion was not onelie vehement, but also the fact too apparent: hir vnfortunat husband had no sooner no|tice giuen him vpon his returne of these sorowfull newes, than his fingers began to nibble, his teeth to grin, his eies to trickle, his eares to dindle, his head to dazell, insomuch as his heart being scared with gelousie, and his wits installed thorough phrensie, he The pangs o [...] gelousie. became as mad as a March hare.
[1] But how heauilie soeuer hir husband tooke it, dame Rose and all hir friends (which were in effect all the townesmen, for that she was their common benefactresse) were galled at their hearts, as well to heare of the enormious adulterie, as to sée the bed|lem pangs of brainsicke gelousie. Wherevpon di|uerse of the townesmen grunting and grudging at the matter, said that the fact was horrible, and that it were a deed of charitie vtterlie to grub awaie such wild shrubs from the towne: and if this were in a|nie dispunishable wise raked vp in the ashes, they should no sooner trauerse the seas, than some other would inkindle the like fire afresh, and so conse|quentlie dishonest their wiues, and make their hus|bands to become changelings, as being turned from sober mood to be hornewood, because rutting wiues make often rammish husbands, as our prouerb dooth inferre. Others soothing their fellowes in these muti|nies turned the priuat iniurie vnto a publike quar|rell, and a number of the townesmen conspiring togither flocked in the dead of the night, well ap|pointed, to the abbeie, wherein the frier was cloi|stered (the monument of which abbeie is yet to be séene at Rosse on the south side) where vnderspar|ring the gates, and bearing vp the dormitorie doore, they stabbed the adulterer with the rest of the co|uent thorough with their weapons. Where they left them goaring in their bloud, roaring in their cab|bins and gasping vp their flitting ghosts in their couches.
[1] The vprore was great, and they to whome the slaughter before hand was not imparted, were won|derfullie the reat astonied. But in especiall the rem|nant of the cleargie bare verie hollow hearts to the townesmen; and how freendlie their outward coun|tenances were, yet they would not with inward thought forget nor forgiue so horrible a murther, but were fullie resolued, whensoeuer oportunitie ser|ued them, to sit in their skirts, by making them soulfe as sorowfull a kyrie. These thrée brethren not long after this bloudie exploit, sped them into some out|landish countrie to continue their trade. The religi|ous men being doone to vnderstand, as it seemed, by some of their neighbors, which foresailed them home|ward, that these thrée brethren were readie to be im|barked, slunkt priuilie out of the towne, and resor|ted to the mouth of the hauen, néere a castell, named Hulke tower, which is a notable marke for pilots, in Hulke tower. directing them which waie to sterne their ships, and to eschew the danger of the craggie rocks there on euerie side of the shore peking. Some iudge that the said Rose was foundresse of this tower, and of pur|pose did build it for the safetie of hir children, but at length it turned to their bane. For these reuengers nightlie did not misse to laie a lanterne on the top of the rocks, that were on the other side of the water. Which practise was not long by them continued, when these three passengers bering saile with a lustie gale of wind, made right vpon the lanterne, not doubting, but it had béene the Hulke tower. But they tooke their marke so farre amisse, as they were not ware, till time their ship was dasht and pasht a|gainst the rocks, and all the passengers ouerwhirled in the sea.
[1] This heauie hap was not so sorowfull vnto the townesmen, as it was gladsome to the religious, thinking that they had in part cried them acquit|tance, the more that they, which were drowned, were the archbrochers of their brethrens bloud. Howbeit they would not crie hoa here, but sent in post some of their couent to Rome, where they inhansed the slaughter of the fraternitie so heinouslie, and concea|led their owne prankes so couertlie, as the pope ex|commenged the towne, the towne accurssed the fri|ers: so that there was such curssing and banning of all hands, and such dissentious hurlie burlie raised betwéene themselues, as the estate of that flourish|ing towne was turned arsie versie, topside the other|waie, and from abundance of prosperitie quite ex|changed to extreame penurie.
[1] [2] The wals stand to this daie, a few streets and hou|ses The present estate of Rosse in the towne, no small parcell thereof is turned to orchards and gardens. The greater part of the towne is stéepe and steaming vpward. Their church is called Christs church, in the north side whereof is placed a monument called the king of Denmarke his toome: whereby coniecture may rise, that the Danes were founders of that church. This Rosse New Rosse, old Rosse. is called Rosse Noua, or Rosse Ponti, by reason of their bridge. That which they call old Rosse, beareth east thrée miles from this Rosse, into the countrie of Weisford, an ancient manour of the earle of Kil|dares. Rosse I|barcan. There is the third Rosse on the other side of the water, called Rosse Ibarcan, so named, for that it standeth in the countrie of Kilkennie, which is diuided into thrée parts, into Ibircan, Ida, & I|douth. Weisford a hauen towne not far from Rosse, Weisford. I find no great matters thereof recorded, but onelie that it is to be had in great price of all the English posteritie, planted in Ireland, as a towne that was the first fostresse and harboresse of the English con|querors.
[1] [2] Kilkennie, the best vplandish towne, or (as they Kilkennie. terme it) the properest drie town in Ireland, it is par|ted into the high towne, and the Irish towne. The Irish towne claimeth a corporation apart from the high towne, whereby great factions grow dailie be|twéene the inhabitants. True it is, that the Irish [page 27] towne is the ancienter, and was called the old Kil|kennie, being vnder the bishop his becke, as they are or ought to be at this present. The high towne was builded by the English after the conquest, and had a parcell of the Irish towne thereto vnited, by the bi|shop his grant, made vnto the founders vpon their earnest request. In the yeare 1400, Robert Talbot 1400 Robert Talbot. a worthie gentleman, inclosed with wals the better part of this towne, by which it was greatlie fortified. This gentleman deceased in the yeare 1415. In this towne in the chore of the frier preachers, Willi|am Marshall earle marshall and earle of Penbroke William Marshall. was buried, who departed this life in the yeare 1231. Richard brother to William, to whome the inheri|tance descended, within thrée yeares after deceased at Kilkennie, being wounded to death in a field gi|uen in the heath of Kildare, in the yeare 1234, the twelfe of Aprill, and was intoomed with his bro|ther, 1234 according to the old epitaph héere mentioned:
Hîc comes est positus Richardus vulnere fossus,Cuius sub fossa Kilkenia continet ossa.
[1] This towne hath thrée churches, saint Kennies The churches of Kilkennie. church, our ladies church, aliàs S. Maries church; and S. Patrikes church, with the abbeie of S. Iohn. S. Kennies church is their chéefe and cathedrall church, a worthie foundation as well for gorgeous buildings, as for notable liuings. In the west end of the church|yard of late haue beene founded a grammar schoole by the right honorable Pierce or Peter Butler erle The gram|mer shcoole. P [...]ce Bu [...]er. M [...]rgaret Fitzgerald. of Ormond and Ossorie, and by his wife the coun|tesse of Ormond, the ladie Margaret fitz Gerald, sister to Girald fitz Girald the earle of Kildare that last was. Out of which schoole haue sprouted such pro|per impes, through the painefull diligence, and the laboursome industrie of a famous lettered man M. Peter White (sometime fellow of Oriall college in Peter White. Oxford, and schoole maister in Kilkennie) as general|lie the whole weale publike of Ireland, and especial|lie the southerne parts of that Iland are greatlie thereby furthered. This gentlemans method in trai|ning vp youth was rare and singular, framing the education according to the scholers veine. If he found him frée, he would bridle him like a wise Iso|crates from his booke; if he perceiued him to be dull, he would spur him forward; if he vnderstood that he were the woorse for beating, he would win him with rewards: finallie, by interlasing studie with recrea|tion, sorrow with mirth, paine with pleasure, sower|nesse with sweetnesse, roughnesse with mildnesse, he had so good successe in schooling his pupils, as in good sooth I may boldlie bide by it, that in the realme of Ireland was no grammar schoole so good, in Eng|land I am well assured none better. And bicause it was my happie hap (God and my parents be than|ked) to haue béene one of his crue, I take it to stand with my dutie, sith I may not stretch mine abilitie in requiting his good turnes, yet to manifest my good will in remembring his paines. And certes, I ac|knowledge my selfe so much bound and beholding to him and his, as for his sake I reuerence the meanest stone cemented in the wals of that famous schoole. This towne is named Kilkennie, of an holie and Kilkennie [...] so cal|led. The life of Kanicus. learned abbat called Kanicus, borne in the countie of Kilkennie, or (as it is in some bookes recorded) in Connaght. This prelat being in his suckling yeres fostered, through the prouidence of God, with the milke of a cow, and baptized and bishoped by one Lu|racus, thereto by Gods especiall appointment depu|ted, grew in tract of time to such deuotion and lear|ning, as he was reputed of all men to be as well a mirrour of the one, as a paragon of the other: where|of he gaue sufficient coniecture in his minoritie. For being turned to the kéeping of sheepe, and his fellow shéepheards, wholié yéelding themselues like lus [...]ish vagabunds to slouth and sluggishnesse, yet would he still find himselfe occupied in framing with osiars and twigs, little wodden churches, and in fashioning the furnitures thereto apperteining. Being stept further in yeares, he made his repaire into Eng|land, where cloistering himselfe in an abbeie, wherof one named Doctus was abbat, he was wholie wed|ded to his booke, and to deuotion: wherein he conti|nued so painefull and diligent, as being on a certeine time penning a serious matter, and hauing not ful|lie drawne the fourth vocall, the abbeie bell tingd to assemble the couent to some spirituall exercise. To which he so hastened, as he left the letter in semicir|clewise vnfinished, vntill he returned backe to his booke. Soone after being promoted to ecclesiasticall orders, he trauelled by the consent of his fellow moonks to Rome, and in Italie he gaue such mani|fest proofe of his pietie, as to this daie in some parts thereof he is highlie renowmed.
[1] Thomas towne, a proper towne builded in the Thomas towne. Thomas Fitzantonie. countie of Kilkennie, by one Thomas Fitzantonie an Englishman. The Irish thereof name it Ballie mac Andan: that is, the towne of Fitzantonie. This gentleman had issue two daughters, the one of them was espoused to Denne, the other married to Archdeacon, or Mackodo, whose heires haue at this daie the towne betwéene them in coparcenarie. But bicause the reader may sée in what part of the countrie the cities and cheefe townes stand, I take it not far amisse to place them in order as insueth.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Drogheda, Carregfargus, Downe, Armagh, Ar|glash, The names of the cheefe townes in Ulster. Cloagher, Muneighan, Doonnegaule, Karreg mac Rosse, Newrie, Carlingford, Ardie, Doon|dalke, Louth. Dublin, Bulrudrie, Luske, Swords, The names of the cheefe townes in Leinster. Tashaggard, Lions, Newcastle, Rathcoule, Ough|terarde, Naas, Clane, Mainooth, Kilcocke, Ra|thaimgan, Kildare, Luianne, Castletowne, Philips towne, Mariborough, Kilcullen, Castle Marten, Thistledermot, Kilca, Athie, Catherlaugh, Leighe|len, Gauranne, Thomas towne, Enestiocke, Ca|shelle, Callanne, Kilkennie, Knocktofer, Rosse, Clonmelle, Weiseford, Fernes, Fidderd, Enescor|tie, Tathmon, Wickloa, Ackloa. Waterford, Lis|more, Doongaruan, Yoghill, Corke, Limerike, Chéefe towns in Mounster. Kilmallocke. Aloane, Galuoie, Anrie, Louaghriagh, Chéefe towns in Connaght. Clare, Toame, Sligagh, Rossecomman, Arctlowne. Trimme, Doonshaghlenne, Rathlouth, Nauanne, Chéefe towns in Meeth. Abooie, Scrine, Taraugh, Kemles, Doonboine, Gréenocke, Duléeke. Molingare, Fowre, Lough|seude, Chéefe towns in westméeth. Kilkeniwest, Moilagagh, Deluinne.
[1] In the foure and thirtith yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the eight, it was enacted in a parlement 1542 holden at Dubline before sir Anthonie Sentleger knight, lord deputie of Ireland, that Méeth should be diuided and made two shires, one of them to be cal|led the countie of Meeth, the other to be called the countie of Westméeth, and that there should be two shiriffes and officers conuenient within the same shires, as is more exprest in the act.
[1] Loughfoile, the Banne, Wolderfrith, Crareg|fergus, The names of the chiefe hauen towns in Ireland. Strangford, Ardglas, Lougheuen, Car|lingford, Kilkeale, Dundalke, Kilclogher, Dunane, Drogheda, Houlepatrike, Nanie, Baltraie, Bri|more, Balbriggen, Roggers towne, Skerrish, Rush, Malahide, Banledoo [...]le, Houth, Dublin, Dal|kée, Wickincloa, Arckloa, Weisford, Bagganbun, the Passage, Waterford, Dungaruan, Rosse noua, Youghille, Corke mabegge, Corke, Kinsale, Kierie, Rosse Ilbere, Dorrie, Baltinimore, Downenere, Downeshead, Downelounge, Attannanne, Crag|hanne, Downenebwme, Balineskililiedge, Dau|gine Ichouse, Tralie, Seninne, Cassanne, Kilne|wine, Limerike, Inniskartée, Belalenne, Arine|newme, Glanemaugh, Balliweiham, Binwarre, [page 28] Dowris, Woran, Roskam, Galwaie, Killinillie, Innesbofinne, Owran, Moare, Kilcolken, Burske, Belleclare, Rathesilbene, Bierweisowre, Buraueis hare, Ardne makow, Rosbare, Kilgolinne, Wal|lalele, Rabranne, Strone, Burweis now, Zaltra, Kalbalie, Ardnocke, Adrowse, Sligaghe, Innes Bowsenne.
[1] Cambrensis obserued in his time, that when the Camd. lib. 1. top. dist. 2. rub. 3. & 4. sea dooth eb at Dublin, it ebbeth also at Bristow, and floweth at Milford and Weisford. At Wickloa the sea ebbeth when in all other parts it commonlie floweth. Furthermore this he noted, that the riuer which runneth by Wickloa vpon a low eb is salt, but in Arckloa the next hauen towne, the riuer is fresh when the sea is at full. He writeth also, that not far from Arckloa standeth a rocke, and when the sea eb|beth in one side thereof, it floweth in the other side as fast. Cambrensis insearcheth diuerse philosophicall reasons in finding out the cause, by obseruing the course of the moone, who is the empresse of moisture. But those subtilties I leaue for the schoolestréets.